Firebending, Waterbending, Awkwardbending

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(A/N: lookie! I've got a pic up for this chapter. ^.^ Talk to me if you want the original source.)

"Thank you for inviting us." Iroh stepped through the door, an overdressed Zuko right behind him. 

"Happy Birthday Sparky!" Toph crossed her arms over her chest.

"Thanks." For the briefest moment, I saw him smile. I gave him a huge grin to encourage him. He didn't take the hint.

Sokka surprise-hugged Zuko from behind, "Happy Birthday! I've got something special for you." he released the Fire Lord and patted his arm.

"Um...Thanks." Zuko responded. 

"Now that that's out of the way..." Toph gestured to the dining room, "I'm starving."

Aang nodded, as Suki brought out the last dish; the blueberry cake, and set it on the mat. 

As everyone sat around, I found myself kneeling right next to Zuko. He smelled really good, and I wondered if it was the new tunic he was wearing. I had a strange urge to take his sleeve and smell, but decided not to. 

Iroh gave a birthday welcome to supper, then everyone dug in. 

Sokka helped himself generously, and I gave him a glare when he began stuffing his face. Conversation started up about everyone's day, and as I took another bite of my food, Zuko leaned close to me.

I felt hot shivers run down my spine as he whispered, "Do you still have Uncle's tea?" 

"Uh..." It took me a moment to recover from my hot flash, "Yeah...yes." I turned to him as he leaned back away, then nodded. 

I quickly looked down, ashamed with myself. 

Zuko was just a really good freind. 

Why was I so embarrassed around him? 

The meal progressed well, and everyone commented nicely about my cooking. Suki had helped me, as I pointed out, so they all thanked her too. 

"Sooooo..." Sokka glanced at me, "How about we get to this cake before it gets to us?" 

"That cake is not going anywhere." I stood up to get a knife to cut the cake. 

"The only place it's going is into my mouth." Toph pointed at herself, and everyone burst into laughter. 

Even Zuko. 


I smiled myself, and headed over. Getting the knife, I came back, then kneeling back down, prepared to cut the cake. 

"One moment Katara." 

I stopped as Iroh tucked his hands inside his sleeves, "It is birthday tradition, that the one who cuts the cake should be the one being celebrated." 

"Tradition?" Almost everyone at the table asked. 

Iroh chuckled, then placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder, "Since it is Zuko's 18th, in the Fire Nation, we celebrate these things." 

"Uncle, I've never heard of...traditions." Zuko looked beyond confused.

"Not to worry." Iroh smiled, "It is also a tradition to keep these traditions a secret, until the 18th birthday that is." 

"Alright..." Zuko frowned, but I could tell he wanted to respect his Uncle as much as possible. 

He turned to me, and I carefully gave him the knife. 

Our hands brushed for a moment. 

I felt something like a zap travel up my arm. I quickly looked away. 

Snap out of it Katara! 

Is it the new robe? 

Of Firelords and Birthday Cakes (Zutara)Where stories live. Discover now