August 27

7 3 0

Dear Kat

Sorry I haven't written to you the past couple of days, still trying to get used to the college life.

I was wondering, would you like to go see a movie Sunday night? We can go see what ever you want.


(Erm... Hi. Please don't know me I have an explanation on why I haven't updated. So, as I might have said in other chapters, I'm in marching band and that take up a lot of time, people who've been it it know it's a lot of work. Also, I'm in all honors classes with an upper level math class, so u have a lot of home work all the time. Then you add wind ensemble, which puts in even more practicing and just a lot of stuff.

Also, I did update yesterday, but got some reason it deleted it without me knowing.

I know what you're saying, excuses excuses, well, too bad. I do have somewhat of a life outside of writing and sometimes that's stuff has to come first.

A rating would be much appreciated


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