October 18

8 2 0

Dear Kat

Home coming's coming up fast and I was wondering if you wanted to be a goddess for Halloween. (Because I'm a nerd and that's who I'm being)

I would be you husband, but I was wondering what you thought of that.



Sorry? Does that work?

Well, I have an excuse. So here's been my weekend. Friday night, football game, didn't go to sleep till maybe 1. I had to get a shower and get my bag ready for Saturday.

Saturday, wake up at 5 to get ready for a 5 hour drive down to the border of Florida and Georgia. Marching competition, twisted ankle right before performance one. Didn't get home till 4 in the morning.

Sunday, woke up at 7 to get ready to take apart and move shelves and furniture. And may I add with a hurt foot. I'm covered in bruises, cuts and scrapes from all the wood.

I'm tired, and I also had to finish translating Shakespeare. :)

But here is the chapter!

A rating would be much appreciated


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