Chapter 12

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                                                Louis’ POV

Tom whipped around quickly, showing a full blown grin, with every yellowed tooth poking out. It was honestly quite scary looking. I wish Lorraine didn’t shriek, we could all be safe, but right now, I have no idea what Tom is capable of. Why did she even do that, is there someone else in the house with us?

                “Oh Louis, so young, yet so stupid. As if I’d come here alone, really? You should know not to lie to me or say ‘no’ to me. Both of which you’ve done in the past year or so. When will you learn, Louis?” he smirked widely and began heading towards the hallway that Lorraine and Harry went down.

                I thankfully reached them before Tom, to see Lorraine being held by a guy, about our age, and Harry trying desperately to get her out of his grasp.

 "Get off of her!", Harry kept screaming as he tried to pry this guy's hands off Lorraine.

   “Good job, Fontainebleau, you got her, and the others, now bring her out to the car. I’ll deal with Styles and Tomlinson.” He growled our last names, and I knew we were in for it with him.

                I was forced to watch, as Fontainebleau carried Lorraine out of the room, slinging her on to his shoulder like a rag doll. If I tried to save her, I knew what would happen. It would be worse.

  Fontainebleau had light, shaggy blonde hair that hung in his eyes a bit, and brown eyes. Kinda seemed like a jock, which is weird because Tom doesn’t hire guys like that, let alone people our age. Who even cares though, Tom’s a sellout. Seriously though, what kind of name is Fontainebleau? It sounds like a fucking nice hotel in Miami.

                Once he left with Lorraine, Tom turned to face us, grinning evilly. I saw a flash of silver near his belt. Please let him have oversized, silver balls and not a gun! “Boys, you remember last December right? When you said no to me and my gun?” he didn’t wait for an answer, he just went on, “Well, that was not okay, and to show you I’m still in charge, I want you to kill someone. Not just Baker, that pothead dealer, though. Lorraine and Ashley.  Zayn’s killing Perrie, so you’re not alone, but Louis, you’re killing Lorraine because you obviously love her, and it tops it off that Liam will hate you for killing his beloved girlfriend. ” He is one sick bastard; I can’t do this, not to Liam or Lorraine.

                “No. Fucking. Way.” Harry and I both growled at the same time.

                “Yes. Here, you have one day or I do it.” He tossed us both a gun, and walked out, leaving us to go get Zayn from his small house down the block.

                                                Fontainebleau’s POV

                I love my job! I’m getting payed to torment three beautiful girls, which also includes rape.  And I get to watch the biggest pricks at school squirm, what could be better than this? I’ve always hated them, so that’s why when Tom offered me this job, I took it right away.

                We’re actually hiding the girls back at The Shack because it’s a sacred place for the boys, and they should think to go there. We’re trying to make it easy to kill them, actually being nice in a way.

                I don’t give a fuck if it’s nice or not though, I get to fuck bitches, so who cares! Tom says I can!

                                                                Ashley’s POV

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