Chapter 16

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                                                                Zayn’s POV

                Ashley and I stepped onto the pier, going towards the entrance booth. Everything was going fine, until I felt her tense up underneath the touch of our hands. I’m not sure what provoked it, but it probably wasn’t too great.

                “Babe?” I asked Ashley, who turned to face me with glassy eyes. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was high or something. She just looked really scary like that. “Ashley?” she just continued looking at me, with distant eyes, slowly retreating from our touch. What the fuck?! This is exactly what Perrie looked like before she died.

                Finally, I got a response from her. She lightly shook her head, pointing with a shaking finger towards a lonely looking Harry. So? They broke up, why would she look and act like this?

                “What? So, it’s pathetic scum called Harry, why do you even care if he’s here?” I snapped, and watched as her eyes came back to life, dulling a bit.

                “I happen to actually love him, dumbass. Why shouldn’t I act like this? God, Zayn, you’re such a dick.” She yelled it right back at me and stormed off in his direction. No, I’m not letting this happen. I followed her just as she got to Harry.

                “Ashley, I wasn’t done, what the fuck? Don’t even go around here talking to him, when you know you came here with me!” I shouted, shooting death glares at Harry.

                “Problem, mate?” he asked cocking an eyebrow, and holding Ashley to his side by her waist.

                “Yes, actually,” I said through ground teeth. “I’m trying to have a date here, thus I need Ashley back”

                “No,” he simply declared, walking away with her.

What a fucking bitch move to do that to me! I thought we were special!

 Seriously?! This was it, I walked right up to him, turned him around and planted a jaw-shattering punch on him, and while he was doubled over in pain, I took the time to slap Ashley like the bitch she is. 

                                                                Lorraine’s POV

                “So, Miss Scott, we just finished all of the tests and the result is negative. I’m sorry, but you’re not pregnant. Well, I don't know what answer you wanted, seeing your age, but you're definitely not pregnant", the gynecologist, Dr. Patricia answered.

 I was sitting on one of those examine/doctor table/couches, wearing one of those paper dresses with Liam's hand clutching on mine.

 I sighed in relief. THANK GOD! Liam looked a little sad, I guess what he said about becoming a 'daddy' was true... But, he smiled a little too after a few seconds.

 "I didn't want to be pregnant,  just so you know, but why was I sick? Why did I miss my period?", I asked, and saw Liam cringe as he didn't like the talk of lady things... ha.

 "Well, it's actually pretty normal, but I think you have the flu, that's why you were throwing up, you do feel like you have a temperature. You just assumed when you missed your period. But, you're body is still growing and changing, so don't worry if your cycle is a little late sometimes", she answered calmly.

 "Why am I still growing at like eighteen?", I joked.

 "People are different", she joked, too.

 She then walked out of the room saying how we should talk, taking as much time as we needed, then I could dress and leave.

 "I need to have a talk to you", I said looking at Liam.

 "What, honey?", he said cheerfully.

 "We are using two layers of condoms, and lots of lubrication for the next future times.  I also might even go on birth control!", I said laughing.

 "Well, that's actually a good idea", he laughed.

 "Wanna go buy some?", I asked mischievously.

 He widened his eyes, then moved his body closer to mine.

 "Sure", he breathed on to me.

 I pushed him off of me playfully, and said, "Go away pervert! I have to get dressed before you molest me again!", hoping someone would hear and think how weird we are.

 "I was having muscle spasms", Liam said then jumping around, leaving the room, and blowing a kiss to me.

 Ah, what a sweetie. But, I was serious too about birth control, both kinds, and lube. I'm eighteen, and I am going to college (the same as my man!), and I can't afford a baby. But, when the time is right, a baby will be nice.....

 I got dressed an walked out to greet Liam in the office. He had a big smile as we walked out hand in hand not ever letting go.

 We went to a CVS and bought three big packs of condoms, a bottle of Trojan lubricant, and I even got some flu medicine and a thermometer. I didn't think we were gonna do certain activities today with me being sick, but we'll see if I'm better, I actually haven't threw up yet today.

 Liam was awesome. I loved him with all my heart. He made me want to be a better person.

 He made me want to stop smoking (even if I do it rarely), he made me want to stop swearing so much, I realize it's just ignorant and stupid, and he made me want to be nicer to everything in the world.

 I wasn't a good person. And he made me want to be different. I liked how he influenced me to try to be the best me as I am, as corny as that sounds.

 I love him. I hope he loves me forever, I know that sounds clingy, but I want him to feel that way to me for a forever.

 I then got a text from Ashley when we were in the car.

 'GET UR ASS DOWN HERE TO THE PIER! BRING LIAM TO HELP! HARRY AND ZAYN ARE FIGHTING! HELP!' I showed Liam and he sped in the other direction, making me thud against the seat as he did a 360 with the car. 

 Okay, so I seriously hate to be a bitch, but Lorriane and I work really hard on this story, and we already got to a hard enough school. And everytime I look at the number of reads, it amazes me, so could we at least get a bit of feedback? For the next chapter, 2 comments, and 2 votes, please. 


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