Chapter 25

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Ashley's POV

Once we got back to Lolo's house from the club, we noticed Niall's car parked by the mailbox. He sat in there on his phone, looking like he had been waiting for us to come back only for a short time.

"Go ahead and unlock the door, I'll take care of him," I told her, walking over to his car. He didn't notice me until I rapped my knuckles on his window, startling him. He quickly jumped up and opened the door when he saw it was me. Someone seems jumpy.

"Ashley! What the fuck happened at that club?!" He screamed, getting out of the car.

"Obviously you know or else you wouldn't be here. Let me guess, Zayn called." I said sort of blandly. He clearly knew so why bother with stupid questions?

"Yeah he told me, but you know what else he said? For me to come take care of you fucking disgraceful animals! His words, not mine." Niall looked really troubled and upset with everything and I felt bad to put him in this situation.

"Look, we're sorry. No reason to go off. Perrie and Lorraine just had a fight that was coming for quite some time. Oh well. I figured I'd call her in the morning to apologize so just fuck off about the whole thing." My irritation level was really high because a guy that I slept with and had brief feelings for called me a "fucking disgraceful animal." I really feel like all the guys wish they had never met us.

"Well since everything seems to be under control," he said mockingly. "Then I'll just be off on my way. And just so you know, it's very inconvenient for me to have to go out of my way just to deal with two stubborn, shit-faced girls. Please just stay out of everyone's way. It's for the best, Ashley." He said, getting in the car and slamming the door. I immediately got on the passenger seat, not ready to end this.

"What the fuck man?! Seriously, I thought we were friends. When did it become my fault that you had to come here to deal with something already fixed for the most part? Honestly!" I was all ready to go off. "You can't just say that you want me gone when you and I both know you had feelings for me! I love hanging out with all of you guys! Perrie causes so much shit that she's not even worth it! You cannot honestly say you trust her to pin this all on Lolo or I. Seriously, what the fuck, Niall?!"

We sat in silence for a few minutes, me breathing hard. He stared straight ahead, hands locked tightly on the steering wheel. I just took it upon myself to leave, allowing him to drive off. This night was such a disaster.

As I put my hand on the door handle, he gripped it, and finally looked at me. We sat like this for a good minute before he sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all of that. Zayn's just in my ear bitching about everything and I'm so sick of it, Ash. What I meant was just since we met you guys, things have been more hectic than usual. Not entirely in a bad way though. We love you guys, honestly." Niall said sincerely with new-found soft eyes. He came forward and enveloped me in a tight hug, full of friendship, understanding, and something else maybe...

"I still have feelings..." Niall whispered into my hair. It was so quiet I almost missed it.

"Ni, you know how I feel about you and how I feel about Harry." I said, closing my eyes, tears making their way up. It was such a stupid thing to cry about, but I was overwhelmed to say the least.

"I know, and I'm so sorry. I don't want these either, I hate this. I tried to let you go but it's so hard." He said, a few tears falling freely down his face.

"Now I know it's time to go. Let go and stop wasting my time on you. Why would you ever love me back? You wouldn't. Who would?"

"Please, no. Stop that. You're so perfect and anyone would be lucky to have you, Niall. You need to see that. I'm sorry I can't love you and give you what you need. I promise you'll find someone who can. I can help you find someone." I said, rubbing his back. Niall is honestly literally perfect so he needs to shut the hell up.

"Thanks, Ash. I love you," Niall said. I assumed that "I love you" was used in a way to let go.

"I love you too, Ni. In a friendly way, of course."


 Lorraine's P.O.V

Ash had just told me to go inside while she dealt with whoever was in the car.

 I felt so awkward now.

I was just by myself in the house, my mother of course off with her friends for "tea".

I looked at my self in the hallway mirror, with bits of mascara on my cheeks, my hair relatively okay but still looked frizzy, and my eyes telling a whole story about how sad I am.

 Lately, I was fucking everything up. I was the person who was a problem for everyone, the person that everyone had to deal with but didn't want to because I was causing too many problems. I mean first, I cheated on Liam, made Louis develop false feelings, broke Liam's heart, broke Louis's heart, fought with Perrie (even though she had it coming), probably made Zayn want to kill me, and now I have Ashley upset with me.

 I know like one or two of those problems have been or in the workings to be fixed, but still one person shouldn't cause this much conflict. I need to straighten myself out. I need to sort out myself, as usual.

 Everyone now knows me as a cheater, drinker, a slut, a whore, problem-creator, whore, and so on.

 Ash was taking forever to deal with this person in the car, so I moved to the living room, and peered through the window, to see Ash yelling at Niall.

 Oh, well what a pleasant surprise for him to show up. I wonder what they're yelling about.

I moved away from the window and assumed it had something to do with me. Remember, l am the person who causes ALL the problems. I then did something that shocked me, I began to cry. I cried and cried and cried and cried, I set my self on the stair case and cried.

 Why was I such a problem by just being myself?

 I honestly never felt as lonely as I did now. I knew that pretty much only two people I knew didn't hate me: Ash and Liam. But one of them, Ash, was getting tired of me and it wasn't hard to see.

 I ran across the white carpeting of the hallway to the kitchen, I grabbed the ice cream carton, aggressively opened the drawer for a spoon, and I pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. Yeah, ice cream and a fag, what a great combo...

 I shoveled the ice cream in to my black hole of a mouth, and after a while, I set the cig in the crease of my lips and lit it up. I was on the floor of course, leaning against the cabinets, still crying. Ash hadn't come in yet, and I didn't care any more. I honestly wanted to be alone, to just cry, to feel the shame either sink in or be expelled away from me. I was in a lonely, frightful point right now and I didn't know what to do to make my self not such a nuisance to everyone.

 I then heard the car driving off, so I knew she would be coming back in. I didn't want to see anyone.

 So, I flung the ice cream and the spoon across the room, held on to my cigarette and ran out the kitchen door in to the back door. I then ran around to the side gate and then saw she was coming through the front door, I waited till she was in, then bolted out and ran.

 I ran. From her. From the problems. From my boyfriend. From all of the people who were supposedly my friends. I ran from everything, and it felt good.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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