Chapter 2

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Keep believing and never give up . If I had a dime for everytime I told myself that. I would be a billionaire . I always asked myself believe in what . What is there to believe in ? I had to push that part of me to the side. Shit , I had to believe that I was going give myself a better life. That was no joke about it . I be damn if I stayed around this shit hole . That was a good dead mission .

Getting out of bed was the hardest thing to do . There was nothing worth waking up to that I had . I was single , the only child , had little to no family . Kash was the only family that I had honestly . I ain't got no nigga cause of the simple fact there is some things that I will not take from a nigga . It's some shit that you will not call me and it's also shit that you will not say to me . Basically I have high standards . If you ain't meet at least two thirds of it than you was a non factor .

After about thirty minutes I was fresh and ready for the day . Since I ain't have no friends I just stayed in the house . Then again I never been the one to even give a fuck about friends or anybody else. So staying in the house was nothing new . I felt like I had my own apartment . My mama was never at home . She love the streets more than she ever loved me . I don't let it phase me .

She been addicted to the streets and drug since forever . Now a days it got worse . I love her but you can't help nobody that don't wanna be helped . It was bittersweet between us . I loved her from a distance . Sometimes I ain't love her at all .

I miss the days when she would come home and we would do mommy and daughter things . Back then I felt like I had a normal life with no problems in the world . My mother and father was married not most people parents are together . I had felt special in a way . I was the the only child living the life . Everything I want I got , and if I ain't get it then just know I got it . All that was gone in a blink of a eye . Before I knew it my pops was in jail and my mother was a drug addict .

Sometimes I just sit and think on how things could of been .

I finally decided to go job hunting . I had to start from some were . I grabbed my purse and my flip flops . I locked the doors double checking it before I walked off . The hallways literally had a different smell everyday . Today smelled like fish with a side of onions . I picked up my pace . I had to get the fuck out of there .

I hate it when a group of niggas just set out the door way . Like why ? That makes no since to even sit there .

" Dammn Ma ." Said somebody

I flash the man a quick smile . I ain't cocky or conceited but I knew I was fine . Light skinned with a body of a goddess . I was thick in the hips and had a switch in my walk . Had the body every female wished they had . My hair was shoulder length , my real hair . I wasn't one of those females that had the nose all high . I give props when do . If you fine as hell im tell you . Keep mind I'm not intimidated by no female . Just not even a female I wasn't intimidated by no fucking body .

I got half way down the block , before noticing a help wanted sign . Of course I had to stop by and apply . I walked into a shoe store it was a ghetto boogie store . It was in the ghetto with all the ghetto bitch , hood rats and Thots . They shoes ran at least two hundred dollars a pair . What ghetto bitch you know going buy em ? If she couldn't buy them with food stamps then forget about it . 

" Hi , May I help you ?" Asked the cashier lady

"Yes you may . Thank you . I was just wondering are you guys still hiring ." I said with a smile .

She looked me up and down . Then had the nerve to twist her face . She even made me look myself up and down . Shit she should be the last one twisting her face at somebody . Looking the way she looking .

" WELL ? "

" I'm sorry that position has been filled ."

" Thanks any way " I said walking out . 

A part of me told me she said that cause of the fact that I was pretty . Some bitches just hate just to hate . They don't even be having a reason to hate . They just hate just because . Like damn bitch get a life .

I wasn't even goin trip on old girl . She ain't hurt my feelings . It's plenty of more jobs out there . I'm determined to get me a job , any type of job . I ain't care if I was bring in them dead presidents that's all that mattered .

Seemed like everybody was out today the streets was packed and busy . All the crack heads , baby mamas , baby daddies , drug dealers , thots and kids was out today . The whole hood was out side .

Walking down the block I couldn't help but to hear bullshit . Whoever it was they was loud . For a minute I thought I was tripping . I could of sworn I heard Kash voice . I pushed my way through the crowd . I don't know why people do that shit . Don't just stand there get the fuck out my way.

When I finally got to the front of the crowd . I saw Kash and some dude going at it . Instantly I start throwing punches . I ain't give a fuck , Kash was my best fucking friend . He hit you it's only right that I throw a punch . If you ain't know now you know .

" That's cute you got yo little pet helping you ." He said backing up

"Hell yeah . You already know " I said running up to him

I was running up to him so he could bag up . Little did he know Kash was in the back of him . Kash got him in the head lock . I promise I ain't never punch nobody the way I was punching that nigga. My upper cuts was some thing sweet. Plus I wore knuckle rings twenty four seven .

I felt my hair being tugged on . All of a sudden I was on the ground getting hit . First thing that came to mind was get up . Without thinking twice I got up and snatched back . I spotted the female who yanked my hair . That bitch then fucked up . It's two things that you don't do is pull my hair or try to punch me in my face. If you did you better have hands like Ali . The girl ran up on me I step back to fast for her ass. That bitch fell flat on her shit . I gave her one kick to the face making her fall back down .

I turned around trying to see what was going on with Kash . When I saw two females squaring up with me .

" Yall bitches ain't goin learn ." I said laughing

I throw punches at both of them . Few feet away I saw Kash still giving dude the business . So I had no worries , cause I know he got this . I put my focus back on the two girls . I wasn't about to fucking play with them . I had bigger and better things to do .

I grabbed one by her shirt yanking her to the ground . I upper cutter her a couple of times before the other one attacked me . After a few moments later her and another girl was fighting . I helped the girl beat the fuck out of that bitch . After about two minute both of them bitches was picking each other up off the ground .

" Good looking " said the familiar voice

" I should be saying that to you " I said turning around . Damn it was that girl .

"It's cool no doubt . You was getting down with them bitches . I just wanted to do some shit ." She joked

I guess there was nothing wrong with kicking with her . She seem like cool peoples. There is nothing wrong with giving somebody a chance . She was already down for a round . I guess having a female friend wasn't so bad .

"TEE LETS GO !! You and yo friend LETS GOO!" Kash said grabbing us by the arm .

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