Finishing School, but Starting Life

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Waking up in the morning was one of the worst things about school. Sasuke had been dealing with eight a.m. classes since he started his schooling at Konoha University around six years ago, but the pain of getting up never went away. He had lived off campus in his own apartment since his freshman year so getting up even earlier wasn't anything new. Just another annoyance of the everyday life he had to face in order to get his degree. Sitting up in his navy comforter he let it fall gathering around his waist. The clock read six forty five in the morning. Shit the shower would have to be fast today he thought to himself. Getting out of bed he headed to the bathroom to be met with blinding lights as he put his arm up to shield his eyes feeling around for the shower door handle. Once locating it he stepped into the shower. Letting the cold water hit him. This woke him up immediately his eyes now wide open as the water finally started to heat up. Sasuke grabbed his shampoo then body wash and went to cleaning up for the day.

It's hard to imagine that this would be his last year at University. Living in an apartment with Itachi for six years had been pretty great especially since it was almost like living alone. Itachi worked in the Fire City that they lived in running the family business. This meant that he was always at the office leaving a nice quite apartment for Sasuke to study in over the years. From getting his bachelor's in electrical engineering to working on his masters. This would hopefully be his last year though. Then he would start working, off on his own trying to get as far away from the family company as possible. Though this semester of his graduate program he was going to be teaching many different physic labs which he was not looking forward to. Firstly, he did not like out just lecturing to people for hours on end. Secondly, all of the students were probably not worth his time and dumbasses anyway.

Finishing rinsing himself off, Sasuke stopped thinking about the past. Let's just take this new school year one day at a time one idiot student at a time he thought to himself. Walking into his room he threw on black boxers with dark jeans, a navy blue t-shirt, and black high top converse. Looking quickly in the mirror he slightly ruffled his hair into a position he liked then grabbed his leather messenger bag walking out the door. Quickly locking it he made his way to the stairwell. Itachi and Sasuke lived on the fifth floor of an apartment complex in the Leaf district of the Fire City very close to campus. It was only about a ten minute walk to campus. Bring his phone out his bag he could see the time was seven forty. He would be there early on the first day. Gosh aren't I a good teacher he laughed to himself. He was certain that this would never happen again.

Rounding the corner he saw the campus in sight and went straight down the quad to the building with a giant NS on the side. The natural science building was four stories high and was like a second home for Sasuke. The building itself was pretty ugly since it was a red and black and white color aka the school colors. If Sasuke could say one thing about his school's colors was that he was not a fan the red was way too bright.

Heading into the building he went directly to the stairwell to the fourth floor where his labs would be held. Walking to room 407 looking around to see students already waiting to enter the classroom. He ignored them all and walked to the door scanning his ID opening the door flicking on the lights letting the students gain the courage themselves to come in. He would not have the time to hold hands and guide them through the door or this lab. He sat behind the desk in the front logging onto the computer opening up the syllabus. Normal bullshit that every teacher had to go over. Pretty much to tell the students not to be dumb in lab and that crappy work would not be accepted in this class.

Watching the students file in he could see the clichés already forming. Friends sitting next to friends and eyes boring into him. He was used to getting stared at all the time, but honestly it never change how annoying it was. Growing up an Uchiha it was normal to be watched for what you did or to be the center of attention, but it still made Sasuke feel uneasy. As the clock hit eight a.m. he opened attendance on Senju their online system.

"This is Physics I Lab. If you are in the wrong class leave now." He paused waiting for people to scurry out if needed, but no one moved. Surprising to him he continued, "Since you're all here for this class I'll start role."

"Choji." "Here."

"Hinata." "Present."

"Ino." "Hey"

"Kiba." "Yo"

"Neji." "Here"

"Rock?" "Call me Lee please." "Alright"

"Sakura." "Present"

"Shikamaru." "Yes"

"Tenten" "Here"

"Naruto..." There was no response.

"Alright we only seem to be missing Mr. Uzumaki and that is it. Today we will be going over the Syllabus then you all can go. It's a small class so we will have very small groups, but we will get through it." Sasuke started to look down at the computer when he hear a muffled voice.

"My name wasn't called." Someone randomly called out.

Holy shit I didn't even notice he was there Sasuke thought to himself.

"What's your name?" Sasuke asked the boy with sunglasses on.

"Shino." "Oh you're on the role I must just have not seen it. Let's continue."

Sasuke started scrolling down the syllabus with his normal expressionless face when he heard the door open as a boy with a broken skateboard in his hands walked through the door. He had blonde hair and blue eyes that stood out as if beacons in the darkness of the world. He had cute little scars sketched on each of his cheeks. He was wearing his school t-shirt with a leaf in the background along with his cargo shorts and vans on his feet. He looked a little frazzled being late to his first class for the new school year. Sasuke turned around meeting the boy's eyes and he saw a blush start to form on the boy's cheeks as he stared at him.

"And you are?" Sasuke stared him down with his normal glare.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Sorry I'm late Professor." He said picking a seat near the back of the room.

Sasuke stared down at the computer looking back to the attendance. Even though he had his normal fuck off look to him one thing was different. When he met eyes with Naruto he could hear his heart picking up pace. Looking at the computer he could feel his heart pumping out of control and hear it in his ears. Squeezing the mouse to the computer tighter he tried to calm down. What the hell he had just met this boy. But he knew it didn't matter something was different and he had never seen anyone like him before. This last school year was going to be a long one, but honestly he would want it to last forever if he could see that blonde in the back forever. 

Just Another Idiot Student | sasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now