Joining the Family

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I woke up before Sasuke did. In the night he had apparently turned toward me because his head now rested on my chest with his arms wrapped around me his hands clinging onto the fabric of my shirt. He looked so peaceful. His brow that was usually drawn with his signature fuck off look was gone. His face was relaxed with his eyes lightly closed and his mouth was open just a little bit letting air flow out of it easily. I reached my hand up running it through his hair. I'm sure it would be a while before I could see him looking this innocent again so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

I went over the events of last night and I could feel my cheeks get red. I cannot believe I came over here so pathetic last night. I was so upset, but Sasuke was really there for me. I mean I've only known this guy for not even a week and I've only really talked to him a total of like three times in person. And I was already staying over at his place. I swear I'm so dumb. Things aren't supposed to move this fast. Love is supposed to be gradual and over time it just sneaks up on you. Not only a week knowing him and I'm in my boxers in his bed. I'm not saying this is love, but damn if I knew what love was or felt like this is what I would associate it with. Waking up in the morning with his scent surrounding me and playing with his hair while he sleeps peacefully on you.

I mean the sexual stuff last night was amazing and I did not want to stop that, but this stuff was what showed that Sasuke really cared. He did not just want to fuck around with me. He wanted to fuck around with me and also cuddle with me in his bed. That's when you know your falling. And boy was I falling for this onyx eyed raven haired boy. I don't know if the reason we got along so well was because we both had scars that other people did not or if I was the only one that could put up with his bitchy front. I think it was the first one because with looks like his girls would definitely put up with his bitchy side to just be with him. Everything about Sasuke appealed to me though. I liked the bitchy side, but what I liked more was the way he cares and smiles at the little things we both like.

I looked up at the clock to find it was ten in the morning. I should be going soon. I still haven't finished my homework for Monday and I had to work tonight. I looked back down at Sasuke trying to get a last glimpse at his beautiful features before starting to scoot away from the boy letting his body fall back on the bed. I had to pull his hands off of my shirt and I heard a little grunt of disapproval when I finally got out from under him. He laid down on the bed by himself stretching out in the newly free space subconsciously. I got my pants off of the ground throwing them on over my boxers looking around for something to leave him a note. I grabbed a sticky note and pen off of his desk writing out a little note for him.

Dear Sasu,

Sorry I had to run out, but I have homework I need to do and work later on tonight. I did not want to wake you up because you looked too peaceful and cute while you were sleeping. I work a lot this week, but I'll try to text you or call you. I'll see you tomorrow in lab!


Satisfied with my note I put it in front of the clock by his bed and started to walk out his door. I lightly closed it and hearing the soft click of the door I let out a sigh of relief. Turning around I can honestly say I was not expecting this. There were four different half naked men laying around the living room area two were on the couch and two were surrounding the couch crawled up into balls. Going over I picked my parents photo from the table also making sure that they were all still breathing. Heading toward the door I could see there was a man sleeping on top of the table who was also breathing. I made sure. I started to near the door when the room across from Sasuke's opened and out stepped Itachi wearing a party hat with braids all throughout his long black hair. He had on a black shirt that was covered by a black robe that had red clouds all along the outside of it.

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