The Frat Party

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It was already Thursday and I had gotten done with my school stuff pretty early that day. I decided to come home and take a nap to celebrate before having to grade more Pre-Labs. I had just taken my phone out of my pocket placing it on the night stand when it went off signaling I had a new text message. Plopping down in my bed with a sigh I grabbed the phone to see who it was. Unlocking the phone I saw that Naruto had texted me. I hadn't seen or heard from him since Monday when he woke me up to tell me he had to go home to do school work. I opened the message to see what it said.

'The party is at 10. I'll be getting there around 10:15 with my friends. I can't wait to see you!'

I smiled looking down at this. He was so cute. I started to text back.

'Me too.'

Hitting send I opened up the conversation with the frat boy that invited me to the party. I started texting to him.

'Hey Kankuro I will be able to make it to the party tonight. Meet you there at 10.'

I put my phone down only to hear it buzz again. Sighing I picked it back up looking to see the frat boy already had responded.

'REALLY?! I can't wait!!!!!!! How about I pick you up? I get free parking next to the party so it would make more sense if I drove.'

Sighing again I realized that I would have to take him up on that offer. It would make more since and it would decrease the possibility of my car getting damaged if the party got out of hand. Also I could just walk home if he annoyed me that much. Deciding it was alright I replied.

'Okay. Pick me up by 10.'

Locking my phone I put it down again only to hear it buzz. I did not bother to look at what he texted back because I didn't care. I knew it would be a message probably about how happy he was to have me come with him. I looked at the night stand to see the clock read six o'clock. I closed my eyes figuring I could get at least a couple of hours of sleep before getting ready. Really I wasn't going to dress to impress anyone, but a blued blonde boy.


After I woke up from my nap I threw on a white t-shirt and black cardigan over it with my casual black jeans. Buttoning up my cardigan I looked in the mirror in my bathroom to flip my hair around until it held my regular messy look. Looking at the clock it read nine fifty-five. I looked myself over head to toe and thought I looked presentable, but casual. It's not like it mattered though. It was going to be a crazy party that I'm sure nobody was going to remember the next day. Accept the shame, they always remember the shame.

Hearing my phone ring I grabbed it too see that Kankuro was waiting outside my apartment building. Walking out of my room I saw a strange sight. Itachi was sitting at the table talking to Shisui who was attempting to make them dinner in our kitchen. Not only was it odd for Itachi to be home, but his boyfriend rarely came over. I've only seen Shisui at Christmas and the first time that he met me as Itachi's boyfriend like five years ago.

"Hi Sasuke! We were going to ask you to come out, but Itachi said it was best to let you sleep." He held up some sketchy looking noodles, "Do you want to have dinner with us?"

Itachi threw me the look that screamed help me from his cooking. I held in a laugh trying not to show Shisui that we neither of us wanted whatever was I that pot he had on the stove.

"I can't tonight sorry. I'm going to a party with a couple of friends." Sasuke apologized seeing Itachi's face grow pale realizing he couldn't escape his boyfriend's cooking.

"Okay well maybe next time we can plan a dinner night? Invite that new boyfriend I've heard about?" Shisui said smiling while looking back down at his dish. I frowned while blushing a little. Itachi is such a gossip.

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