A Party Invitation

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I had finally finished classes and I was sitting in the library with Kiba, Shikamaru, Sakura, Neji, and Hinata. We had all gotten out of our two o'clock class and it was now three thirty. We had met up in the library and got a study room to share. Sakura instantly went onto her laptop typing away a lab report due at midnight. Shikamaru was laying back in a chair facing the window with his leg propped up on the ledge watching the clouds go by. Neji was trying to help Hinata with her calculus homework, but she kept zoning out and looking up at me for some reason. I would just look back at her when I felt her staring and she would looked freaked out. I honestly knew she had a little crush on me, but I don't think she got the hint that I was not into girls in general. Kiba was next to me talking about a frat party he was going to this weekend. He looked at me.

"Are you listening to me man?" Kiba said giving me a little pout.

"Yea yea Alpha Kappa is throwing the party of the year for all of the pledges. So what?" I said lightly rolling my eyes.

"Well I was going to invite you all. I figured we all need to go out and let loose at least one time during the weekend." Kiba looked around for a general concusses and most of the people were nodding.

"Well I work most of the weekend Kiba. I doubt I would be able to make it." I tried to plead.

"It's a Thursday night party Naruto. I know you don't work on days when you have school. You can't get out of this." Kiba said leaning in closer to my face. "Even you need to party sometimes."

Kiba looked around the room to make sure everyone was going back to what they were doing before leaning in closer to me. I was not okay with how close he was and what he said next made me want to get out of the room even more.

"Maybe we could more than kiss if you actually came out more?" Kiba whispered to me.

I stiffened a little. Kiba only smiled at this laughing a little before taking his laptop out of his bag. I will admit that my usual pattern was going out to parties and getting wasted. Then drunk Naruto a person that I had no control over whatsoever decided that he would make-out with Kiba and some other random people. When I would wake up the next day with a hangover, Kiba would always try to follow up or some other random, but I would always shut them down. This was my pattern during freshman year, but now as a sophomore I was going to change my ways for more than one reason.

"Alright I'll go to the party, but I'm only staying a couple hours because I work all day Friday. Also I will not be drinking I'll be the DD (designated driver) for you dumb bitches." I said making everyone laugh a little. Kiba looked a little disappointed at the no drinking thing, but that was not my problem.

"Alright deal." Kiba said turning on his laptop opening up the school website.

I'm glad I was able to defer the boys thirst for the moment. I took out my phone not even bothering to set up my homework because there was only one thing I want to do. I opened up the conversation that I had with Sasuke and started typing.

'Hey Sasuke! I'm finished with school for the day. What's up?'

I hit send and decided to turn my phone on vibrate so that the rest of the people would not know I was texting anyone. I opened up Tumblr scrolling through my feed reblogging a couple things here and there for about five minutes until I my phone vibrated. A message popped up at the top from Sasuke.

'I just got home. Did you want to come over?'

I smiled instantly.

'Yea! I'll be there in 15 or less. See you soon.'

I locked my phone standing up. Everyone looked at me in the room a little curious.

"Sorry guys I have to go. I'll see you guys all tomorrow." I said heading toward the door.

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