To Text or Not to Text

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I was sitting in the coffee shop just a block off of campus. After my rather crazy experience with Naruto I needed to distance myself from campus. What in the hell was I doing? Kissing a student? Getting a student's number? It's like I was asking to get in trouble. Student-teacher relationships were not exactly smiled upon.

Holding the piece of paper in my hand I examined the contents for the probably 100th time. It had a simple ten digit number on it with his name and even a little smiley face. The smiley face made me smile a little bit. How cute was that? On the verge of being late to his next class he made enough time to write a little smiley face just for me. Too bad he had to throw it away.

No way in hell was some little blonde boy going to get in his way of getting his degree and getting the fuck out of this town. Even if he was ridiculously gorgeous.

Hearing some girls giggle, I turned my head around to see a group of women staring at me. Making eye contact with them I gave them my traditional pissed off look and they quickly turned away all blushing. I couldn't even have time to myself to think in public. The constant stares never stopped. This only made me want to retreat from this world into that blonde's arms. What? Where did that come from?!

Folding up the piece of paper he shoved it back in his pocket and picked up his messenger bag throwing my coffee out on the way out of the door. Maybe my apartment would hold some answers to what I should do with this piece of paper.


Sitting in my apartment I realized it had been a couple hours of me just sitting here. I had been staring at piece of paper in my hand for hours. This was getting ridiculous. I got up from the couch taking the piece of paper with me. Going to the trash can I opened it and held the piece of paper over it. Taking one last look over it I saw the smile face next to his name. Naruto. I want to say that name to his face. I wanted to hear him say my name driving me wild.

Closing the trash can I walk back to the couch sitting down in my now usual spot. Taking my phone out from my pocket I open it starting to type his name into the dial pad and hit for it to compose a text message.

Next dilemma, what do I say? How do I portray I think your cute, but this could also make me not get my degree? Wait, teachers talk to their student's all the time. This can be as simple as that. Not all teachers think about their students the way I was thinking about Naruto, but I'll try not to think about that part of it. Again the dilemma what to say.

'Hey. This is Sasuke.'

That was the first thing to come to my mind. I was gonna stick with it. Hitting send I set the phone down next to me on the couch. It was out of my hands now. I slid down on the couch trying to get more comfortable where I was when I head the light buzz of my phone. Already?!

I quickly jumped for my phone sliding it open to see what he had responded.

'Hi Sasuke. How was your day?'

Well he was trying to start a conversation I guess. I'll try to be elaborate.

'Fine. You?'

Sending it I realized I could have tried to say more like oh nothing much just staring at your number all day long. Though I would never tell Naruto that. Never tell anyone that. Thank god Itachi was never here so he did not see it either. Feeling another soft vibration in my hand I looked down at my phone to see what he said.

'I had so much information shoved at me the first day. I'm exhausted, but super happy you texted me! Did you want to hangout today? I need to just relax and forget my school day.'

Hangout today? Of course I wanted to see him, but where. He could come over here, but would it be awkward? Sasuke had been going to school there six years and never once invited anyone over or had any sort of study group. Nothing. Not that he was not invited, just he never went. Well maybe today was the day to start. Looking back at the phone he started typing.

'Sure. My address is 10109 Sharin Towers Apt. 409 Fire City, 66667. Come by at anytime.'

Hitting send I realized that was a lot to say. Maybe I should have just said another time, but honestly I wanted to see those blue eyes again. That's all I wanted. Looking around my apartment it was already clean and tidy so he did not need to worry about that. I had Netflix in the living room so I could entertain anyone for hours. Hearing his phone buzz snapped me out of my ideas about entertaining this boy.

'Sounds awesome! That's pretty close to campus. I'll see you soon.'

That was all he wrote and I already started to freak out. "I'll see you soon." Shit. I had so little time to prepare. Better respond though so he knew it was alright.


Perfect. I looked around. No cleaning needed to be done and my room was fine. I walked over to the kitchen to see if I had snacks or anything for this boy to eat. Roaming in the cabinets I saw that there were some chips I had picked up a couple of days ago. We had some soda and water in the fridge too. Plenty for one boy.

Was this right though? I mean thinking about Naruto made me think it did not matter on whether or not it was right or wrong. All I wanted was to be near him. Be close to him. Feel his breath on my neck. Pull on his hair and all the things I could imagine to do to him. I just hoped he would let me and want me back. Usually I did not have to worry about things like this. The worry of being wanted. I never wanted to be wanted before. I only wanted people to leave me alone, but things have obviously changed since I had invited a student over to my apartment to chill with me. I never chilled, but I would if he was there.

I heard a knock on the door. No way. He was here already here. I had even had time to look in the mirror. Now I sounded like a woman. It didn't matter though. I'm just a teacher relaxing with a student. Maybe even tutoring him. All I'm being is helpful.

Walking toward the door I started to worry. This is him. This is it. This is were I cross the line. But hell why was I living if it wasn't for some risk. Grabbing the door handle I twisted it pulling it toward me to reveal the beautiful boy from this morning that I still wanted to grab on to and hold close to me. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I was falling so hard and I had only known him one day. But I didn't care I wanted this student more than anything.

Just Another Idiot Student | sasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now