Netflix and Chill

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I was so happy that he texted me. I had honestly wondered if I was just one of those fuck boys for Sasuke. He had the look of a player, but the attitude of a loner and rich boy at the same time. This was just from my first meeting with him though. Maybe the boy had layers or was just a fuck boy. Either way standing outside of his apartment door I was going to find out. He was definitely worth it. Just being from being around Sasuke once made me crave more. When he opened the door I couldn't help, but smile. There he stood in the same clothes from earlier that day, but still just as stunning.

I saw he gestured for me to come in. I gladly did. Taking off my shoes by the door I entered his huge apartment which confirmed one of my suspicions. He defiantly was a rich boy. The overall look of the apartment not to mention the area showed that I could follow my gut with this boy. I just hoped my other suspicions were wrong.

Placing my bag down on the table near the kitchen I looked up at Sasuke. Now what. I came over to his apartment alone. Now what were we going to do?

"I thought we could just watch Netflix or something." Sasuke said bluntly.

"That sounds good, you know! Netflix and chill that's just what I needed." I responded.

I went over to the couch and sat down on the left side of the couch watching him set up the Xbox to watch whatever he wanted. It was his house I would let him choose, but honestly it was to test his taste in TV. I could not chill with some guy that did not follow at least some of the animes that I watched. Watching him lean over the TV stand turning things on, then standing there next to the TV waiting for it to boot up he was so graceful. Every motion was delicate, but precise. Even watching him just stand there could amuse me for hours. His physic was so appealing. Slender, no fat on his body only muscle, tall, but still shorter than me. He was model level with his looks too, but he chose to relax with me of all people.

When I was looking him over top to bottom for the fifth time probably since I got there. I got to his head to see that he was looking at me. I started blushing instantly. He just caught me full on head to toe checking him out. He raised an eyebrow at me and I looked quickly away trying to focus on the TV that was now starting to show the Netflix logo. I could still feel his gaze on me trying to figure out what I was doing, but he shook his head and returned to the task in front of him. Yes, I had avoided any questions of why I was attacking his body with my gaze. Did I regret looking at him so much? Nope I would do it again. Probably will do it again.

While I was off in my own world I felt Sasuke take a seat next to me. I looked over at him surprised that he even sat next to me. I figured he would pick the opposite side of the couch. I looked up at him and smiled again. He just looked at me and I saw the corner of his mouth move up a little. One could call it a small smile, but for me it was enough. It showed that he was having a good time as well.

Flipping thought his list on Netflix I could see this boy was one of my taste. He had all the basic needs for a good Netflix list for example Rubber. Dumb, but you have to see it once. Flipping though we picked up on where he was on the Blue Exorcist, an anime that I loved, but I contained my excitement just in case he was not into you know freaking out about a show. Keeping my cool I continued to look over at him. He seemed to not notice that I was giving him a lot of side looks. Is this all we were going to do? I kind of wanted to get to know him.

"What's your favorite color?" Sasuke asked out of know where.

"Orange." Yes this was going to be a get to know each other hangout. "How about you?"

"Navy blue." He said pointing to his shirt.

"Name your first kiss and location." I inquired. I was definitely going to get some info on this boy.

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