Why is He Always Crying

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My life has changed once again. I consider there to be certain points in my life where major things have happened. This was one of them. Meeting and being with Naruto did something to me. Honestly I find it hard to remember what I did in my free time before I met the blonde. I could safely say that these past six weeks had been the best of my life so far. It had been about four weeks since that disastrous frat party, but Naruto and I were going strong. 

Later the day after the party I told him the extent of the events that took place. He was instantly upset to hear Kiba had done anything of that nature. Though when he heard how I walked out of the party with him he instantly started blushing. It was my favorite part of that conversation. Seeing him act so cute about my openness of our relationship made me twinge with happiness, but I only smirked to him making the blush spread to his ears. That Monday I switched his lab partners so he was with Hinata. Not a huge improvement, but at least I didn't have to worry about him being attacked by her. The other students' did stare at us a lot for about two weeks, but soon just accepted that it was the new norm of the class. I haven't been reported, yet. 

Today I am sitting in my apartment on a Thursday night just looking over stupid lab reports like I did every week. I swear student's never seem to learn from their mistakes. No matter how many comments I write to them. I closed my laptop sighing. This was so fucking boring. I shifted on the couch so I was laying down only to hear a knocking on the door. Closing my eyes I refused to get up and answer it. I was too mentally drained to even think about what waited for me on the other side of that door. I heard the knocking again making me squint my eyes tighter.  The knocking got louder. 

"Sasuke! Open the door! Ita already told me your home!!!" Shisui yelled on the other side of the door. I sat up ruffling my hair thinking of how my brother had betrayed me with that simple text 'You home'. I got up letting in Shisui who was smiling wearing a light jacket and his phone pressed against his face.

"Thank you," He said smiling before walking in to take off his shoes, "Yea Ita he opened the door. Sorry to bother you at work, but I thought your intel was flawed." He laughed at whatever my brother said on the other line. He continued to go back and forth with my brother teasing him consistently about flaws in his intel making Shisui laugh harder. 

Looking at this made something strain in my  chest. I drew my eyebrows together thinking what was wrong, but soon I realized what it was. Sitting on the couch I dug my phone out of one of the cushions. The strain in my chest was longing. I hated to admit that I had become so reliant on one person, but I was. Naruto was so trustworthy and kind that I wanted to let him carry all of my problems with me and carry his too. Just thinking about him opening up to me more and more each time we see each other make the strain lessen a little. I wanted to hold onto this boy for as long as possible. I unlocked my phone starting to open his contact information. 

"Shisui is Itachi coming home tonight?" I yelled over to Shisui who had now worked his way to the kitchen pouring himself a glass of wine. 

"Yes he is coming home in about half an hour. You can't avoid me forever bitch." Shisui said this to Itachi with a sudden increased intensity. Shisui was home and working only two hours away so he would drive back here for his three day weekends, but last weekend he didn't come here at all. I just assumed a case drew out over his weekend, but with that comment I wondered if something happened between the two of them. The idea seemed preposterous to me because they had been together long enough to just get over fights in a couple of hours and forgive each other. I'd have to ask Itachi during the week when Shisui wasn't around. 

"Good let's all go out to dinner or something. I'll call Naruto so he can be over here by the time Ita gets home." I started to dial Naruto's number. 

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