10 beauty tips for preteens to look pretty without makeup!

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Hi guys! Happy Friday!
And double update!
So I got many questions from my readers aka you there reading!
That do I use makeup?

Now,tbh I don't I think when you grow up them you should wear it.
So I got inspired the other day at the mall when I saw a ten year old with a Cakey face full of makeup and that when it hit you guys would be thinking of wearing makeup! So for the sake of the future of your skin and your #beautygoals I decided to make this chapter! Woo

Okay so here are 10 tips on how to look flawless and good looking without makeup
Tbh,you don't need makeup at all when you're 12.

Lip balm

I think this is a cool way to go without that lipstick crap and it's pretty good!
So first of all it will keep your lips moisturised and soft.
Second,if you use tinted ones they would give a really slight natural tint to your lips!

And third you can make a collection! Even I have one lol.

Recommendations: baby lips, body shop lip balms(they're really expensive but a great company) Nivea and eos lip balms.

Non coloured lip glosses

This is if you don't like lip balms but either ones are good!

Curl your lashes
Now this is kind..of helpful coz you could decide to do it or not lol.

If you curl your lashes they kinds stand out and make your eyes look bigger! So if you do this alone it I'd better than mascara.

Now for skin care!

Cleansing is really important for your skin cause it takes of all the dirt from your skin all the oiliness and that crap.

So make sure to buy a good cleanser! I would've recommended them but it all depends on your skin type,like do you you have oily skin,dry skin,combination or sensitive?


After cleansing you might would want to use a toner.This is important coz if you have acne or any pimples it could help calf them down,prevent pimples and balance your skin tone!

Now I personally use rose water coz that is a safer option without all the drying alcohol toners soo,I recommend using them.

Face wash
You could try this if you don't want to get a cleanser then a toner and just wanna be a bit lazy!

So rules!

Wash you face twice a day,when you sleep your body produces oils and other stuff and throughout the day you get dirt and grime so it's a nice option to wash your face and when you're about sleep and in the morning.

Always wash your hands before washing your face!
If you want to clean your face why work with dirty hands and get even more dirt in your pores?

Recommendations: now,I personally use the clean and clear face wash for oily skin but netrougena is a great company too!


Whether you cleanse your skin or not,it's always important to use a good moisturiser afterwards,I recommended a good spf one! But again it depends on your skin type.

Some tips

Now,if you don't want to have pimples all over your face try putting your hair in a ponytail when you sleep,or better yet a bun!

When you open your hair all that grease and dirt travels from your hair to your face and causes you to get pimples.

So one time I got this pimple on my cheek and I applied like toothpaste on it,not the gel one lol.
For like 3 days.
The toothpaste will dry it of and it will automatically fall off!

Drink water
This is like the most important part of this all! If you drink water it will flush away any toxins Bactria that causes you to get pimples away.
So remember to take care of your skin from the inside too!

So I hope you guys enjoyed this weather the 12 year old thinking they could use them in the future or the teens that are reading! And I'm sorry if you're a tomboy and not girly and thought this was pointless lol!

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