Problems of having a relative/guest over

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We've all had that moment when we,are lounging in our room with our blankets and your mum barges in...

"There are guests coming over tonight"

but like there's this one option to stay hidden in my room but then I crave for Oreos and get hungry...

So ya.

Lil' kids

Ok so almost every relative that comes over has a small kid younger than me and the other is older than me..

So then my mum try's to be a sweet friend and be like "Del? Could you please Take Chloe to your room and play with her?"

"Sure mum" (sarcastic duh)

And then they like obsess over your room (lol my room is decorated so thats why)

Then they be like 'do you have games on your phone?' *looks at me with a seal face* uhh
No BiSh.

I mean I like had games when I was nine not NOW..!! Uhh.
But like not gonna lie I would have asked the same thing if I was in her shoes..haha.

And then you're mums like 'come and eat some chips dear' or snacks I guess and you go coz your hungry AF.

K so when we go there we have to go and meet them and that.

Annd when you do and they haven't seen you in 3 years or something they're like 'oh! You like your mother'
"Excuse you,i didn't know I was supposed to look like our neighbours'

Orr when they grab and pinch your WHATt!!! *_*

I mean,..

idk why but I feel like telling the whole world that there are GUESTS OVER AND IM BORED

*texts friends, there are guests over

"Eek,guests over save MAHHH :("

"There are guests over and I'm REALKY BORED uhh"

"There are guests over and this one girl is staring at me"


So ya that's it k bai love ya all lol.

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