'Cool' Girls

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I don't even know why I'm writing this damn chapter RIGHT NOW because we all know literally all of us face this problem.

So mostly they are those Popular girls in school, daughters of your mothers friends etc that have a lot of friends, are super pretty and have a super fun personality (aka are confident and aren't antisocial like me but ya)

They usually wear black

Ok so since they try to look cool.They usually wear the colour black.Black shirt and Jeans, black scarf tights black shirt.

Bitch paint your room black too.

And they kinda take it a bit overboard.


They don't know Orange is the New black, quit it.

Lol. Bad joke

Usually listen to pop music

I don't know about you but I listen to pop music too.But I never brag like.

"Heyy! have you heard the new song of Justin Bieber!! I'm in love"

Dude that was half a year ago.

Or they either blast songs on full volume on their headphones on the sound that people sitting 50 miles can hear it.

The 'wifi password'

This is honestly the thing that made me write the chapter.

One of my mums friends daughters girl came with her mum to visit and was like 'What's the wifi password' bitch I have a name too, at least do introductions first.

It's just annoying when they come to your house and they first thing they ask is this.

I'm sorry this chapter was pure shit, I'm really angry oh and sorry about those curse words.I don't usually use curse words in my book.

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