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Hi guys! I hope you are looking forward to start reading my new story. Updates might be quite slow and there probably are spelling mistakes because I'm only 12 and I'm just doing this for fun x

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the characters have had a slight personality change for the purposes of this story.


(Amber's POV)

I slowly open my eyes. The sunlight blinds me. My neck is stiff from sleeping sideways. My cardboard mattress and duvet aren't really doing their job but I'm used to that by now.

I've lived on the streets for 3 years, since I was 9, but only on my own for 1.

My brother James was also sleeping on the streets with me. He was 16 when he died last year. He was always there for me. I miss him.

It was a normal day, we went through the bins and found a sandwich, still in its packet. It was a sign, James had told me.

We then found some cardboard and huddled together and tried to sleep.

In the night I woke. My brother was standing in front of me, facing two men. They had tattoos all over their body's and they only had trousers on.

"Move out the way you spindly idiot, we want the girl." One snarled.

"You can't have her. She's my sister."

"Is she now, she won't have a brother when I've finished with you!" The other said. He had a disgusting beard, full of lice.

Beard man came at James. He tackled him to the ground like there was nothing there.

"RUN!" Screamed James.

I jumped up and ran. The other man with a bald head started to run after me. My only escape was a shop getting refurbished. I scampered up the scaffold until I reached the top. I hopped from building to building, like James taught me, to where we got attacked. I looked down and saw my brother lying on the floor, pale.

He saw me and weakly said,

"Go, I love you Amber, just be careful."

I turned and ran. I ran through alleys and streets. London is a maze.

Sorry for not having Joe or Caspar in it. They're definitely in the next chapter. X

Adopted by Joe Sugg & Caspar LeeWhere stories live. Discover now