Someday My Prince(ess) will come

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Drawing of Phil's tattoo is by YesImACat


I stayed up all night the night I turned 18. Waiting, wishing, hoping. What would my tattoo be like? Would I recognise it from someone I knew? Would I know my soulmate already? I couldn't sleep even if I had wanted to. I was too excited, too wound up and nervous. I was terrified yet happy.

I could find my soulmate. After years of waiting and dreaming. I could do it. I would have the proof that they were my soulmate. I imagined how I would recognise them. Would I see their tattoo and know? Would I see them and know? Would it just be a feeling, just knowing that it was them, an indescribable feeling? An amazing feeling?

A safe, warm, nervous feeling? Or would it take time? A best friend becoming more as we got to know each other. As we learnt the others fears and dreams, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Comforting each other, laughing together, crying together, cuddling, holding hands, just enjoying each other's company. Facing the world as one, hand in hand, heart in hand. Would they open my eyes, take me wonder by wonder? A new fantastic point of view.

At midnight exactly I jumped up and ran to the mirror, just wearing shorts. I stood and stared at my slim frame, trying to see the tattoo. I had sent my parents away. I wanted a moment to myself. I felt a tingling on my left shoulder blade and grabbed a hand mirror to see my back. I saw black lines appear on my left upper shoulder blade. Faintly at first and then darker. Spreading and growing. Getting more colourful. What was it? I stepped closer to the mirror and moved the mirrors slightly so that I could see properly. It looked like... A heart?

The heart was split into 4 and had 3 lines on either side like whiskers. The different sides had a lion, a clock, a cupcake and a... llama?! What did it mean? All the pictures were quite lifelike apart from the lion and the alpaca/ llama thing. They looked like cartoony stuffed toys. I knew the lion was for me because I really liked lions so the llama was probably for my soulmate but I had never seen this tattoo before.

My mum peeked her head threw my doorway, looking excited and nervous.
"Can I see?" She asked quietly.
I turned my left shoulder towards her so that she could see. Mum walked over and examined my shoulder, running her fingertips lightly over it.

"I like it," she announced.
"So do I," I agreed, "But I've never seen it before. I'm no closer to knowing who my soulmate is!"
"It took me a year to find your dad. Don't rush it. At least yours is not particularly small. Don't worry. You'll find him."
"Or her," I corrected.
"Or her. Do you want me to take a photo of it so you can see it properly?"
I nodded so my mum did that for me, yawned, complained about being tired and went back to bed.

I was glad I had my tattoo and glad it was quite large. My parents both had a small tattoo on their backs. It looked like a tiny bookshelf. Probably because they both loved reading. I just wished I recognised the tattoo. I had seen a lot of people's tattoos on social media but none like this. It was beautiful. Strange and wacky, but beautiful. I just wondered what it meant.

AN: first of all, TROYLER COLLABS. Secondly, I couldn't find any tattoo on google anywhere near what I had imagined but hopefully you can kind of imagine what it looks like. The chapters will get longer soon but I'm just trying to build up the character and the story line. Please vote and comment. Did anyone get the bad references I put in? Probs not. Anyway byyyeeee!!!

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