You've Got A Friend In Me

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It felt strange. Don't get me wrong, Phil's friends were amazing. But it felt so strange that I felt like I had known them for years. I'm not the most sociable person, preferring my laptop to humans, and yet there I was laughing and joking with people I met an hour ago. It was like I just fitted in perfectly into their weird (yet amazing) friend group.

It was also strange that me and Phil got on so well despite not seeing each other in about 15 years. When my mum had told me that she had found me a roommate I had assumed that it would be awkward and we would avoid and ignore each other if we weren't fighting all the time. I mean obviously I was going to assume the worst but it just felt too perfect? It was as if our personalities just fitted perfectly, which sounds so cheesy. I don't mean it in a romantic way, because that's just weird, but its like we had always known each other and always been friends. I don't really think my 2 year old self learned a lot about Phil so that's a bit weird.

And yet here we were, not for the first time, sitting on the couch together, with his friends, yelling at the screen and each other as we played the most competitive game of MarioKart I have ever played. Eventually, after we realised that we had played for 3 hours, Phil's friends had to leave. After the obligatory awkward hug and promises of a rematch sometime soon, Phil suggested we watch a film together. I, being the lazy person that I am, agreed quickly as it seemed a great excuse to collapse on the couch and do absolutely nothing.

I grabbed the blankets out of my room and made myself into a cocoon of them on the couch as Phil appeared with a giant bowl of popcorn and set it down on the table in front of me. I grabbed the remote and set up the Netflix account and started flicking through random movies until Phil suddenly yelled "Stop!"
Right in my ear. Loudly.
I jumped.
I'm not proud of it. But it happened. I fell off the couch, still wrapped in all my blankets, and obviously the bowl of popcorn decided it wanted a career change and decided being my hat would be a good job. And of course it had to be sticky caramel popcorn. Phil say silently for a minute, looking at this mess of a human who had just ruined his snack, and then started laughing hysterically. I mean I couldn't exactly blame him. I did look just slightly ridiculous.

I then realised what film Phil had yelled stop at. And I started laughing. "500 Days of Summer? Really? Is that not a chick flick?"
"It's my friend Tyler's favourite film and I haven't seen it! Can we please watch it?"{A.N. Go watch it. Now. It's so good and funny and watch it.}
I gave him a slightly sceptical look but agreed. I would be spending half the time picking popcorn out my hair anyway. Plus who could argue with the puppy dog face Phil was pulling. I mean, sue me if you must, but you can't deny he is cute. And I'm not going to do that cliche "Wait what! I've never thought that before!" Because I'm not a liar and I'm also not blind. He's cute. End of discussion.

I have to admit that film was great. Love stories are not usually my thing but it's so unlike any standard love story so I enjoyed it. We then ended up watching Monsters inc. because why not? I know, I know, I had uni the next day, beauty sleep, blah blah blah, but what's life without a little bit of irresponsibility. So that's how when my alarm went off  I ended up waking up the next morning, still wrapped in my blankets, but also wrapped in Phil. His arms around me and my head in the crook of his neck.

The alarm also woke Phil and it was his turn to fall off the couch. However we were both now wrapped in the blankets, so I fell as well. And of course this resulted in a sore nose for me as Phil head butted me and let's not mention where my knee ended up. Let's just say Phil may be walking funny for a few hours. I really need to sort out this whole "co-ordination" thing. And not fall asleep on random people. And basically just my life in general honestly.

So as I rushed around organising the things I should have organised weeks ago (standard procrastinating Dan, I know) and apologising repeatedly for Phil's injury, for some reason I could not stop blushing. Probably just a lack of sleep. Must be. I mean it's not as if.... Oh wait yep here is the cliche moment. I liked Phil. So not obvious from my awkwardness around him from the start and my calling him "cute". I mean pfft so platonic clearly.

Okay this is the moment where you can go puke. I really will not blame you. I would do the same. Bit busy freaking out over the fact I'm crushing on my roommate who was currently holding an ice pack to his downstairs area thanks to me right now but I appreciate the stereotypical plot line that was occurring here. I mean what idiot wrote this! Movie night ending in a spontaneous sleepover and spooning session. Who would have guessed!

I knew that there was no point in keeping any feelings that weren't platonic for Phil. My soulmate tattoo would appear soon and there was no way that Phil would be mine. So I said goodbye to Phil as I walked out my door for my first day at University and simultaneously let go of any and all feelings I had. I may young and dumb and do stupid things when it come to love but I knew that that was just hopeless and wouldn't be fair on either of us if I acted on it or let it grow into anything.

I had to look forward to my soulmate. I knew that he would be perfect and I hoped I would find them soon and not have to wait and wait for them like Phil was going through. I just hoped that he would also find his soulmate soon and be happy. He clearly deserved it and had waited long enough already. Hopefully we'd still be friends even after we both found them because even though I hadn't known him for long I couldn't imaging not having him in my life now. He was such a good friend and just a nice person to spend time with.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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