Sorry (not completely relevant anymore but leaving up)

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I know it's been a while but there's so much going on right now that I don't know where to start. I've got about 2/3 half finished chapters done but I just can't do it right now. I've got family issues, ill family members, exams and my mental health had not been great. I'm so sorry but I have to prioritise me and my family over a story. Thank you for the votes and positive feedback on my stories but I will not be updating soon probably. If anyone wants I am willing to hand the story over along with any notes etc. that I may have.

This is unrelated but just some advice. Ask the questions you want to. Don't assume that your family will tell you the whole truth and (this sounds awful) but don't dismiss your worries. Make sure they're completely unfounded because if it turns out that you were right about your worries it feels awful. Value the time with your family and don't put off visiting them because you will eventually regret it.

Face your fears and step out of your comfort zone. Sometimes it feels good to do that. Challenge yourself. Do something you wouldn't normally. Talk to someone new. Sing a solo(I'm doing this next week oops).

Talk to your friends. Tell them your worries and your fears. Sometimes they understand more than you'd think and it encourages them to open up and do the same if they need help or just support and someone to talk to.

Your family are not in control of you. I learnt this the hard way but you don't have to. Talk to your friends if you think they're being unreasonable. Sometimes you're overreacting but it is not normal to be scared of your parents. You should be able to talk to your parents about anything without worrying about how they'll react.

I won't be posting but if anyone needs to talk to someone. Especially anonymously. I will be online and I will do my best to help you. Please don't think that you're alone in your problems. Everyone struggles in their own way and I won't judge anyone. God knows I've made more than my fair share of mistakes.

Sorry again.

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