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I'm not really sure why I agreed to this.

I barely know the girl. Yeah we've made a few exchanges at the hallways or something before but that's it.

I guess it's because of the fact that I crave adventure. I like trying new things.

It's been 3 and a half weeks since I last gave her advice. We've become friends now so we're kind of cool and not awkward with each other anymore so thats nice.

Helping her is definitely tough since I don't even know who she's moving on from and she's like the goddess of advice (which makes me think extra harder about all the advice I'll tell her in the future.)

So far? It's boring. I haven't been in contact with her since that day at the café. Sure we occasionally talked about school work (boring, I know) but she's feeling a bit distant.

I can't help but think badly about this. Did my advice suck so much and disgusted her so much that she literally keeps a distance between us? Next thing I know she'll text me a message saying "goodbye forever" and I'm literally done with everything.

But, my thoughts vanished when I saw her sitting down in front of me during lunch break. This girl is spontaneous as fuck, I swear to God.

"Hola mi amigo" Ella says before opening her can of soda and drinking it.

"Don't ever try to speak español ever again" I remark, "oh and hey Ella. Nice of you to join us!" I say sarcastically.

Ella rolls her eyes, "anyway, I came here to talk to you about how advice number one doesn't work and I desperately need help"

"I thought it was working? You gave me positive comments about it the first few days?" I retorted and started eating my stale pizza. Did they use bread dough for the pizza and ketchup for the sauce? Yuck.

"Exactly! I thought it was working but then last night I started thinking about yo- him again and I'm completely confused now" she said looking as if she was about to break down.

"Hey, hey, don't cry" I awkwardly assure her.

"What do you mean 'cry'? This is what I look like when I'm stressed out."

"Well you definitely need a new 'stressed out' face cause you pull this funny ass face" I say and proceed to mock the face she did a few seconds ago. Now that I think of it, she kinda looks like how Kim K would cry.

Miss I-roll-my-eyes-a-lot rolled her eyes at me and said, "Yo dude, I came here to ask for help and share opinions with you not to be harassed for my gorgeous face".

"Yo dude I can't help but overhear you conversation since YOU GUYS ARE TALKING TOO LOUD!" Mike said to us.

"Oh shit my bad. Sorry" Ella and I simultaneously say.

"Yeah sure no problem just don't talk too loud" Mike replies, "by the way Ella can I have that muffin? Thanks" as he reaches across the table and grabs it before she could give him her answer.

"Wow yeah sure okay Mike." She mumbles.

"Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted, I have advice number 2," I interject "Basically find a new dude to crush on."

"Isn't that mean? Like you could totally hurt a guy's feelings because of that and I don't want to hurt them and cause bad blood between us" Ella says looking frantic and worried.

"Then go for a guy who likes you already" I say looking around the cafeteria, "like Isaac. You could go for him."

"What? Isaac? You're joking right?" She says doing dramatic hand gestures around herself, "he doesn't even like me! The only feelings he has for me is like, the feeling a person has for their best friend."

"Yeah except he doesn't have those feelings for you because he likes you. He talks about you all the time at the locker room. He denies it but you can literally tell in his eyes that he likes you. Seriously, it's unbelievable." I tell her before going back to my food.

"Are you sure? You're not joking? You're really really sure?" She says unbelievingly.

"Yes I'm sure. Are you not even baffled by the fact that you're the only one he prepares those grilled cheese sandwiches for? He wont even give the team some and I've noticed he hasn't given Kendall yet too since all the extra lunch bags he has brought only has your name on it"

"Jace stop spitting bad pizza at me seriously. How are you even eating that?" She says wiping her face with a napkin, "but okay, okay. I'll try to like him. Wish me luck!" Ella says before standing up and throwing her food down the disposal, Isaac and Kendall following  after her. Where did they come from?

I finish my muffin (that I bought with my money of course, not stolen from a classmate) and stand up a few seconds after the bell rang.

I dispose of my food remains and exit the cafeteria.



Literally had the longest writer's block ever BUT I was able to finish this chapter IN JACE'S POV WOOOH okay. Sooo this chapter is short since I kinda want this to be a short story but kinda dont wanna make the story super quick, ja feel? Anyway g2g

-Marsh xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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