Chapter 6

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Amelia arrived at her sisters just after ten thirty. Her sister lived an hour and a half away in New Haven. She hailed a cab a few blocks from the fashion show.

Lisa opened her front door and stood on her porch when she saw the headlights from the yellow cab pull in the driveway. She looked slightly different to Amelia as she had inherited her mother's mousy light brown hair and blue eyes. Where Amelia looked just like their father who had dark hair and brown eyes.

"Hello sis" Lisa said and stretched her arms out for a hug.

They hadn't seen each other for at least three months. But they spoke regularly on the phone. Greg, Lisa's husband had gotten a job at the local university a few years prior as a teacher in the Arts faculty.

Amelia's eyes were red and her mascara had bled all around her eyes making her look like a panda. Amelia reached out to her sister and gave her a big hug back.

Greg was sitting in the loungeroom when he heard them both enter.

"Hello Amelia" he said and gave her a smile.

"The girls will be rapt to see you in the morning" he got up and gave her a quick hug.

Lisa and Greg had two girls aged seven and five. They adored Amelia as she was their only aunt. She always enjoyed playing with them and spoiled them whenever she came to stay.

"I shall go to bed and let you ladies catch up, see you in the morning" said Greg and he gave Lisa a peck on the lips and made his way up the stairs to his bedroom.

"What's happened Amelia?" Lisa asked concerningly as she made her way to the kitchen and turned on the kettle.

"I'm a silly fool, I've been played by a man."

"What happened?" Lisa asked.

Lisa made them both a cup of tea and Amelia poured her heart out to her sister sharing everything that had happened over the past few days.

Lisa sat and listened and didn't say a word until Amelia finished.

"Wow, your not a virgin anymore?" "He must be something if you slept with him meals" Lisa said with a grin. Meals was the pet name she had given to her as a kid.

"So do you have proof that he was going to cheat?" Lisa said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well no, but you heard what Sarah had said and then seeing him chatting up those two models." Her heart ached as she recalled seeing him with those models and her face showed it while she spoke.

"Amelia, do you think that due to what dad did to mum that you are a little paranoid?" "Not all men are like dad you know."

"I think you need to go and see Jake and apologise, you need to also tell him about our past, so he understands why you have acted the way you have" Lisa said.

Amelia nodded her head and realised her sister was right. She loved how her big sister could always make her feel better and give her the right advice.

"Call madam Sophie tomorrow and say you were called here on a family emergency, spend the day with me and go back home tomorrow night."

"Ok" Amelia replied and smiled.

It was just past midnight by the time Amelia's head hit the pillow. Lisa had given her a nightie and some clothes she could wear the following day. Lucky they were the same size.

While Amelia lay in bed, she was not used to it being so quiet. In New York, it was always busy with cars going past her apartment window, beeping horns throughout the night. She missed that sound. It took a while but eventually she fell asleep.

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