Chapter 8

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The phone vibrated in her bag as another text message came through. She already knew it would be Sophie asking where she was. She had supposed to be at the hotel getting Kirsty ready for her movie premiere twenty minutes ago.

"Are you on your way?" "Did you get them?" Sophie's blunt texts said.

Amelia sighed at her phone as she sat in the back of the yellow cab in peak hour traffic.

"Yes I got them, I am on my way" she replied typing quickly.

Sophie had sent her on an errand to find the same gold shoes Kirsty had tried on with the outfit the day before. She had accidentally given them to another client that morning forgetting that they were already planned to be used. Amelia knew that after seeing Jake yesterday she stupidly had put them away and only realised that they weren't there when they were leaving to make their way to meet Kirsty.

Glancing outside the window with the car at a standstill she saw a young couple walking hand in hand looking happy, which instantly reminded her of Jake. Suddenly she was was back in the park holding his hand, remembering the tingling feeling and the butterflies she had felt. Was he really a sleaze as Sarah had said?

The cab began moving and she glanced at the time on her phone, they still had six blocks to go and with New York traffic she knew it would take another half an hour. "Sir, please drop me off two blocks away and I will walk, I'm running really late." "Fine" he replied gruffly.

Approaching the hotel the doorman saw that she was in a hurry and quickly opened the door, she said "thanks" as she ran towards the lift.

Sophie answered the door as soon as Amelia knocked "Finally, Kirsty has to go in half an hour, go get those shoes on her so I can take some pictures and make sure everything looks fine."

A man in a tuxedo sat in an arm chair looking bored, Amelia quickly glanced his way as she ran towards the bathroom. It must have been Kirsty's fiancee, the big director.

"Kirsty, I am so sorry, I have the shoes" she said huffing, tired from power walking two blocks.

"Don't be silly dear, you could of gotten any shoes" she genuinely said and smiled.

"You look a mess, did that boss of yours really get you to go to Gucci and get those shoes?"

"Yes, it's my fault, I should have left them out with your outfit, but I had a bad day yesterday and wasn't thinking straight."

"Don't stress, I look amazing thanks to you Amelia" she said while she eyed herself in the mirror.

"Yes you look gorgeous as always and that bright red lipstick looks gorgeous too" Amelia said looking at her client up an down.

"Kirsty I really need to ask you something" Amelia said nervously.

"Yes, of course dear" she replied as she began putting her shoes on.

"I need to know why you don't like Jake Edwards?" "Is he a player?" 

Her face went crimson red and she rolled her eyes at Amelia "Why do you keep asking about him?"

"To be honest we had a thing and..." 

Kirsty cut her off before she could finish her explanation "You, with Jake?"

"Umm....yes" Amelia replied softly spoken.

"Well to be honest Amelia, it had nothing to do with him being a player, actually the total opposite." "I really thought he was something and he was not interested in me at all, which I was really upset about."

Amelia HollowayWhere stories live. Discover now