Chapter 9

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The red dress would do she thought as she grabbed it from her wardrobe. Amelia always looked good in red, it was an old one she had gotten from work, last seasons Alexander wang.  She tied her hair in a loose ponytail and applied some thick eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. 

As she walked along the curb in her heels waving for a cab her heart began to thump thinking of him. How would she explain her mistake? What would she say? Would he forgive her?

The monkey Bar had a long que out the front as it was the place to be especially during fashion week. "Amelia come here" he yelled over the crowd waiting. He looked gorgeous like always in some jeans and a shirt.

She gave him a smile and made her way to the entrance. People looked on and wondered why she had just jumped the que and gotten special treatment. 

"Jake, how are you?" 

Her face went crimson like her dress after she said it. It wasn't like they were catching up and nothing had happened. She had been a rude bitch. The bar was full of people but she could only see him in the room. 

"I'm great now you are here" he replied and grabbed her hand and led her to a table.

"You look amazing" he said.

"So do you" she replied genuinely. 

She started to think quickly on how she was going to explain to him that she was wrong and spoke quickly blurting it out.

"Jake I need to explain everything, I am so sorry for being so rude to you, but Sarah had told me that you were a playboy and Sophia...." 

"What did Sarah tell you? He asked sternly with an annoyed look.

The waiter approached them and poured some red wine that was sitting on the table. 

"Any tapas sir" he asked.

"Antipasto platter would be great thanks" replied Jake with his eyes still fixed on Amelia.

"She told me that you slept around, that you liked all different types of woman and that you don't settle with one."

"You believed her?" He replied with a hurt look in his eyes.

"I was so wrong, I saw that picture of you with those models in the paper and then thought she was right." "I am such an idiot and realise that now."

"I am a movie star, I do have to mingle with other celebs for my brand you know, it doesn't mean I sleep with them." 

"I know that's why I called you" she said.

"I'm really sorry Jake" "I also was wondering why you were interested in me when you can have a gorgeous model or movie star."

"Amelia you are beautiful and real, most of those woman are fake and not my type at all, you are my type" he said.

"If we are going to continue to see each other you need to trust me, the media will alway write false stuff, people are always going to tell you lies." "So will you promise me that from now on you will ask me if you have any questions?" His blue eyes twinkled and he gave her a smile.

"Promise" she said quickly.

"So now how are you going to make it up to me?" He laughed.

Amelia gave him a wink and said "let's see what I can do tonight."

The waiter served them up the antipasto which they barely touched while they sipped their wine and spoke about the past days events. Amelia shared with him that it was Kirsty that had told her the truth about him. 


The white linen on the turned down bed looked like it had been freshly made. Amelia looked around the room and wondered where the aroma of jasmine was coming from. A candle was lit on the buffet with an ice bucket and a bottle of Moët.

"I wish I had a big bed like that" she giggled a little typsy from the wine.

"Darling now you are my gal you will be staying in lots of hotels in big beds."

"Does that mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked.

"Of course silly, don't you think that's what we discussed earlier, just you and me babe" he said and winked.

Jake grabbed her in his arms and their lips met. His tongue swirled in her mouth and she kissed him back. He spun her around and unzipped her dress. She quickly undressed him while they continued to kiss. 

"You are so beautiful Amelia" he said as they kissed and fell onto the bed.

"Oh jake" she said softly while he took her panties off and kissed her inner thigh.

He entered her slowly and they suddenly became one as they made love. Amelia had feelings she had never experienced before and didn't want the moment to end. 

When they finished they lay in each other's arms for a while not saying a thing. They were both on a high.

"Amelia how was that? He gushed.

"Amazing" she replied with a grin and gave him a kiss.

"Did I make it up to you? She giggled.

"Yes you did" he said and looked deeply into her eyes.

Amelia felt something shift inside her at the moment and wondered to herself was this love. Could you really fall in love this quickly. She didn't know as this was her first time having these feelings.

Jake noticed from her sudden look of seriousness that she was thinking about something.

"Everything ok?

"Yes, yes" she replied and quickly pushed her thoughts away.

"You hungry, want some room service?" 

"No thanks, I'm happy just to lay here and stare at you all night" she replied.

Jake laughed and patted her on the head while their naked bodies lay side by side. Amelia quickly fell asleep and did not stir until Jake woke her the next morning.

Amelia HollowayWhere stories live. Discover now