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I watched Aubrey perform on stage with a smile on my face, trying not to rap every word.

To the naked eye, I'm just some girl who had won a backstage pass to a Drake concert, trying to get that one on one time that most woman in America want.

But I'm his girlfriend of three years.

Only close friends know but not to many.

"Thank you so much Mississippi, I love you all!" He said out to the crowd before the stadium went dark again and he walked off the stage, and came to me with a smile.

I handed him a towel and a bottle of water.

"How'd I do?" He wiped his Shiney face.

"You did great as always". He kissed him quickly before grabbing my hand, leading me too his dressing room.

"I'm tired". He sat on the white leather couch and drank the water down.

I opened my mouth to speak until there was a knock on the door.

His Manger Victor poked his head in. "Aubrey. You have to hurry up so you can go do the meet and greet. The winners of the contest are waiting for you".

"Okay give me a second". He closed the door again.

"I'm sorry you know I gotta-"

"I know. I'll just go back to the bus". I put on a fake smile and headed for the door.

"You sure? It's only going to be a minute". He stood up and kissed me gently, bringing a smile to my face.

"This is what?... My one millionth concert with you. I know it'll take more than a minute". He took his shirt off, to change into a dry one.

"I'll make it as quick as I can". He grabbed my jaw and kissed me slowly before pulling away. "Okay?"

I nodded and left out the room.

You would think I would have my own security guard and all that.

But no I'm walking out the stadium, and around the back by myself.

He says if i had security, it would draw attention to me, and then our secret would be out. Which I completly understand.... Sorta.

People smoking cigarettes with thick eyeliner and to short dresses looked at me as I walked by.

I held my purse in front of me as I walked down the alley way quickly.

The heels of my shoes sank a little in the mud since it had rained before the concert began.

This is great.

Absolutely great.

The brick wall acted as a crutch to hold onto, so I wouldn't get stuck.

I made it to the end of the alley where the busses were all lined up. I headed to the 10 foot, all black, Mercedes-Benz tour bus.

Grant the driver opened the door for me.

"Hey bird".

I smiled. "Hi." That's the nickname 40 had given me, because of my laugh, and it sort of stuck. Even though I hated it at first.

First thing I did was take these damn heels off.

There were a few girls already on the bus and I know exactly what this means.

"Hi". They ignored me friendly introduction and sent mugs my way. "Okay it was nice meeting you all". I quickly walked all the way to the back were the bedroom was.

I took all my clothes off and locked the door, I don't need them trying to start trouble with me.

The shower called my name since I had been ripping and running around all day with Victor making sure everything was together before the concert started. I looked down at my stomach and sighed.

I stepped in and cut the water on.

The water washed the day off me. Once i was good and clean, I stepped out and dried off quickly.

For it to be a tour bus, it had a lot more room than his last one.

Aubrey likes to have all the latest and greatest of everything. Right down to his socks.

I went into my suit case and dressed myself in one of his many OVO sweatshirts and some underwear.

There was giggling from up front which means one of the boys who invited them on had entered.

And that's my cue to put some headphones in and go to sleep.


misconception - A Drake StoryWhere stories live. Discover now