"Where is my son?!" Jade threw another plate at Sergio as he tried to come near her.
"Calm down!" He shouted dodging everything she threw. She took a knife from the sink and threw it blindly as she reached for more stufff to throw. He fell to the floor to avoid it.
"Where is he?!" Sergio stood to his feet afraid of what she might throw next. He held his hands up hoping she'd stop.
"Look I felt like Amir should meet his father. He's safe with Aubrey."
"Aubrey? He's here?" Jade's voice shook with anger. "You let him take my son?"
"They're just at that ice cream place by the park getting to know each other. I think Aubrey deserves that. "
"You fuckin idiot. Why the hell would you let them meet?" She tossed a glass cup at the wall by his head.
"What did you want me to do? Keep Amir a secret forever? It's your own fault! You pumped Amir's head up always showing him pictures and telling him stories, of course he wanted to meet his father. You've kept a good man away from his fuckin kid for almost five years. What were you expecting? Amir kept asking to meet him and I made it happen. I'm just as guilty as you are for not telling Aubrey. Every time he came to Angie's station I wanted to tell him. But I didn't because you told me not to. I'm not a liar and I'm not gonna start just for you. So i told him because unlike you I have a guilty conscious. And instead of having your son depressed all the time he's happy with his father. Aubrey is happy too, I'm happy for them, and all you can do is be mad because your a lying selfish bitch!"
Jade gasped. "That's not true! I was protecting my son."
"More like protecting yourself. You're gonna have to face Aubrey. He wants to be apart of Amir's life. Which means you two have to sort things out. You have no choice but for him to see him.
"Fuck you! I'm not about to listen to your shit." Jade stomped through broken glass and pushed Sergio out the way.
"This is her." Aubrey handed Amir his phone showing him a picture of Ramsey.
"She's pretty." Amir said looking at the picture.
"Thank you."
They sat across from each other in an ice cream shop in walking distance from the park. Amir was so much like Aubrey it was ridiculous. It was the little things that Aubrey noticed. Like the way he talked with his hands, the way he walked, even down to the way he rotated his cup before taking a drink just like Aubrey does. He couldn't pinch himselt hard enough if he tried, it felt like he was dreaming.
Jade pulled up quickly in front of Cathy's Ice cream and Custard shop with a screech of her tires. She hopped out the car and ran inside the store and saw Amir sitting in the back. "Oh thank God you're okay." She picked him up from the chair and hugged him close.
"Put me down." Amir said frightened by the sudden change of seating.
Aubrey stood up. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to get my son." She said holding amir tight so he would get away. Sergio pulled up in his car and rushed inside. Their argument in the kitchen turned into Jade rushing to get Amir. She had beaten Sergio to her car and drove off before he could stop her. He thought he could stop her in traffic but she ran through every red light the streets had to offer.
"Jade put him down Amir is fine." Sergio said coming up behind her.
"Jade why can't you let me just spend some time with him? It's bad enough I missed for years."
misconception - A Drake Story
Fanfictionmis·con·cep·tion ˌmiskənˈsepSH(ə)n/ noun a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.