Ramsey's sisters in the picture. Raven (glasses), Romy (dreads), Reagan (brown hair), and Riza (with the buns)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Victor
The hotel porter took our bags and put them on that trolley and followed us to our room.
We just got off a three hour flight and I'm tired as shit but i know I gotta get Aubrey to Ramsey.
The Elevator stopped on the top floor and we got out. We stopped at Aubrey's room first so he can relax. He's getting sicker by the day.
I put his bags in his room and the guy followed me to my room next door to his. The rest of the crew is holding things down back in Toronto.
I Gave him a tip and rushed back to Aubrey's room. He was sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling.
"Do you wanna go to the reason I brought you here or do you wanna rest?"
"You might as well show me why I'm here".
"Let's go".
After dodging people to keep Aubrey unseen we made it to the parking garage to the rental car. His doctor allowed him to wear a boot on his leg instead of hobbling around on those crutches.
The drive to hospital was quite except for the music playing from the radio and D coughing his lungs out every now and then.
"You flew me all the way out here just to take me to a hospital?"
"Not in the way you think. Just get out". He got out and followed behind me.
I hit the lock button on the keys and walked threw the parking lot to the bulding.
The lobby was filed with people and nurse running around.
Good thing I told security to stay behind since they would draw attention.
I made it to the front desk and asked about Bird while Aubrey caught up.
He gave me the information for her and I lead us to the elevator. Aubrey stood next to me as I pushed the number seven.
"Why are we here Vic?"
I kept quite and looked at my reflection in the elevator doors.
The door chimed and slid open.
I looked at the paper the secretary gave me and took a left. Then a right down a long hallway full of rooms. I looked back to make sure Aub was keeping up with me.
The room 1089 was hers.I knocked on the door and heard a voice say come in.
There Ramsey was. Laying on the bed with her eyes closed.
Aubrey walked passed me slowly.
That Chief Keef nigga gave me a head nod and left the room with red eyes. I followed behind him to give them some time.
"We gotta problem?" I shook my head.
"Nah we cool". He nodded and sat on the bench across from me.
Oh boy.
"Ramsey?" She didn't respond. I shook her lightly and she didn't move. "What happened?"
This is all my fault. That's what happened.
If I had just stopped being an ass for just a second, she would be okay. But instead she's got a tube down her throat and she's hooked up to all kinds of machines.
misconception - A Drake Story
Fanfictionmis·con·cep·tion ˌmiskənˈsepSH(ə)n/ noun a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.