The elevator stopped on the top floor of the building. Luckily nobody from any other floor got in with me. I didn't need screaming fans keeping me from seeing Ramsey.
I turned my phone on silent so nothing or no one could distract me.
The number 12 on the panel flashed for me to put the key in.
I reached down in my sweatpants for the key and put it in the lock and turned it to the left twice as the instructions Chief gave me instructed.
The silver doors acted as a mirror as I brushed my hair down with my hand.
They slid open slowly revealing metal bars. I could see her living room from here.
I lifted the gate from the bottom and raised it enough from me to get through.
The elevator closed as I stepped off and bars slid down slowly as I released them from my grip and locked into the floor.
Soft music played from somewhere letting me know she was in here.
I took my timbs off next to the small pair of red Nike air max that were there in the small hallway.
"Whoa." I whispered.
Paintings were everywhere. I knew she was a artist but she never did any painting around me. Or I was never around to see it.
The music got louder as I came around the corner. I looked up to see even the ceiling was painted.
I followed the sound of the music as I walked deeper into the apartment. One of the giant windows was wide open revealing her standing on the huge balcony with a small dog beside her chewing at something.
She said something to it and walked towards a easel that had a large canvas sitting on it. Ramsey grabbed a paint brush from a jar and painted on it slowly.
The song faded out and ironically changed to "back at one" by Brain McKnight.
The dog turned around and looked at me with a chew toy in its mouth.
It ran to me and waged it's tail wildly.
A pit white bull. She always said she wanted one.
I petted it's back and saw the name indigo on the tag. I took the toy and tossed it before taking stepping onto the balcony where even more of her paintings were.
She put the brush down and rested her paint covered hands on her hips.
The sun made her skin glow as it shined down on her.
She pulled her hair up into a bun revealing her bare back.
I guess living this high up no one could see you half naked.
As I got closer the feeling of regret weighed heavier on me.The scare from the gun shot wounds on her side struck my heart.
I made sure to follow the case with her and the officer all the way through.
The police officer that shot her got a six month suspension with no pay. Even though all the evidence showed that he had no real reason to shoot her.
Even though he's the reason why our child isn't here today.
I was a foot away from her. I reached my hand out to touch her but I could.
I've ruined her life.
Broke her heart.
And left her when she needed me the most. But I gotta make things right.
I pressed my body against hers and wrapped my arms around her waist.
misconception - A Drake Story
Fanfictionmis·con·cep·tion ˌmiskənˈsepSH(ə)n/ noun a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.