I feel as someone on Wattpad i get to show my crazy ideas off to you guys and express to you how i feel in writing. But i also feel like i don't use this platform to touch on important things.
Today i saw the video of the police officers kill Alton Sterling. I had nothing more to say other than "wow". Any other act of police brutality hadn't effected me like the one of Sterling. The officer shouldn't have tackled and thrown that man to the ground. They already had him pinned to the ground there was no need to shoot him. The man was harmless he was selling a few CDs not drugs or anything like that. Just CDs. He was a father there is nothing or anyone who can replace him. He had people who depended on him and now they have lost him.
As i watched Ashton Sterling lay on the ground fighting for his life i thought about what if that was my father, my boyfriend, my best friend, my cousin, my uncle, someone near to my heart. It makes me scared knowing there are police officers out here killing people in this world. It's hard enough being black in America, why add an extra shoulder to look over because a man in uniform wants to kill you?
My heart goes out to the the victims of police brutality, their families, and their friends.
The men and woman in uniform took an oath to protect and serve us from those who are harming us. But who is to save us from those who go against that oath and go against what they promised?
You can't answer why that police officer shot him with statics and conjured up stories about black people. That officer was wasn't thinking about Altons family, he probably wasn't thinking at all. The best way to find an answer to all your questions to to pray. Ask God to help. No matter what religion or what you believe in I ask you all to pray. I ask God to be a fence around every single person on this earth. I ask him to protect us all from anything or anyone who wants you harm us. With that being said: to all my readers, no matter your race, nationality, ethnicity, be careful. No matter your age, be careful. No matter what your social class, be careful.
I love you all.
-Abby ♡
misconception - A Drake Story
Fanfictionmis·con·cep·tion ˌmiskənˈsepSH(ə)n/ noun a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.