Ramsey pulled her phone out her back pocket to use the flashlight and continued down the stairs. She headed across the Mansion to the movie theater where everybody sat around freaked out.
"Calm down everybody. I was trying to hook my phone up to the screen to show you guys there is a blizzard coming our way. But I guess the weather beat me to it." Everyone groaned as mark finished his sentence. Aubrey saw Ramsey coming in and noticed the look on her face.
"What's wrong?" He stood up from his seat and met her halfway.
"I'll tell you later." She put Indigo down and leaned against the theater wall.
"You sure?" Aubrey asked standing in front of her.
"Yeah. I'm sure." He nodded, taking her word for it.
Aubrey pulled his phone out and used the screen brightness to watch his step. "Now if everybody could turn their flash lights on their phone on, we can get a little light in here." He stood in front of everybody. "I have a back up generator for the house. It should kick in about ten minutes or so. But I'm sure you all don't want to spend ten minutes in the dark so I'll get right in that." Mark showed Aubrey his phone that had a written news report. The words 'snowed in' and 'stay in doors' were written in bold red letters. Aubrey read the report quickly trying to pick out what he wanted to tell everyone. "Uh, I just read here that there is a warning that people driving should get off the roads and head to a nearest building if possible. There is a warning that everyone should stay in doors until the storm rides over." Everyone in the theater mumbled amongst themselves worried about their safety.
No one has a problem with staying at the Graham household, but they all had minor concerns about their families outside the home.
Aubrey came back to Ramsey and waved for her to follow.
"I got to check on the generator and make sure everything is okay. I don't want the water to freeze in the pipes or anything like that." They walked to the west side of the house and down to the basement that held OVO merchandise everywhere.
Ramsey followed behind him with her phone creating light for them to see. Aubrey opened a door to where the generator resided. Solar panels on top of the house and garage fueled the machine below them.
"Baby can you put the light over here?" Aubrey pointed to the right of the generator. Ramsey followed to where he was pointing and pointed her phone in that direction. Aubrey pulled a red lever down slowly and the lights and the house came back on.
Everyone above them cheered.
Ramsey's eyes widened at the huge spider webs around the room and backed away. Aubrey turned around to see what she was looking at and smacked his lips.
"Stop acting all scary." Aubrey reached up to touch it and Ramsey gasped.
"Don't touch it. There's clearly a spider on it." She jumped as Aubrey reached to grab it. "I'm about to punch you."
He touched the Web making the spider run up the wall. Aubrey came towards her with his hand out.
"Don't touch me." Ramsey backed up, bumping into boxes in the process.
While Aubrey chased Ramsey around, Jordan paced around the guest room with her heart beating out her chest. She was scared that Vince was going to come busting in the room and beat her senseless for telling Ramsey all she knew. She was also afraid to lose her trust with Aubrey. She worked for him just like many others in the house. She had one of the most important jobs, she was apart of Aubrey's wardrobe team. He took a chance on her when nobody else would and Feels that trust her had for her was slipping away.
misconception - A Drake Story
Fanfictionmis·con·cep·tion ˌmiskənˈsepSH(ə)n/ noun a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.