The first letter arrived a few days later and, Sherlock was ecstatic. He ripped the envelope containing it to shreds not bothering with his usual precise way of doing things. Inside was a postcard with a picture of Mycroft's new school plastered to the front. It looked like a castle with grey brick, turrets and oak doors framed by a backdrop of rolling green hills. On the back Mycroft wrote a short message in his looping handwriting.
Dearest Sherlock,
I have settled into the academy and am enjoying my time here. The other boys, I must admit are quite smart but do not fret I am still the cleverest of them all. Give my love to mum and dad. Remember never play Cluedo with John if you want to keep him as a friend. Also remember to keep working on your skills of deduction. I miss you.
Sincerest regards,
Inside the envelope was a pin from the school, which Sherlock stashed under the rose bush where he kept all our trinkets from the days of playing pirates. Every day Sherlock checks for mail. Mycroft sent letters once a week and Sherlock looks forward to them. Soon however the frequency of the letters dwindles. Sherlock is only receiving mail once a month and the messages are shorter and filled with less sentiment.
Dear Sherlock,
I am learning lots here my favourite topic is the history of British government. Send my regards to mum and dad.
Your brother,