Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter 29

Kayli's POV

Infront of me, Rancine looks around the library. We were just switching for our patrol. "I can't believe no one thought of this place," she realizes.

I nod my head, then walk back to the book drop-off-place to sleep the night. I sigh. It was a long, long six hours.

Sleep isn't any better. I stay up, my stomach making loud, hungry noises. I haven't eaten in two days.

I pass Rancine, but she stops me. "Where are you going?"

"Just getting some food! I'm starving!" I yank myself from her clutch. "There's a grocery store right across the street."

Her look softens, and I walk out the library.

I nervously look around for danger. After I feel secure, I go across the street. But something stops me.

I feel I'm being watched. I glance protectively everywhere but don't see anyone.

Probably just my imagination, I think.

"Psst! Kayli! Hey, hey! Psst!!!!" The noise came from behind me. I have no idea how the person knows my name, but I dash forward. I stop right outside the supermarket.

"Kay-liiiiiiii!!!!!!!!" The voice pushes. But I realize something about this voice. It's a guy's voice..

"HARRY!" I run back across the road, dodging a stop sign and running up to the fence.

"Oh, Kayli." He whispers.

I feel his sadness. "It's felt like a year," I comment. "I just wish this dumb contest was over."

He leans in, and so do I through a hole in the fence, trying a kiss.

"Ow!" He leaps back, and his sudden movement scared me, so I jerk forward, then leap back. The pain pierces me like a colt bucking my mouth.

"Oh, cr---" my eyes started to tear, and I was soon crying of pain. "What WAS that?" I ask.

Harry heaves then answers, "They probably put an electric fence so no one can climb and get out..."

I look down. "Stupid clever hosts."

"Sure wish they didn't."

"Then I could get out..." I wonder.

"Then I couldn't marry you." He replies.

"What do you mean?"

He looks at my stupidly. "I have to marry a winner." He stares at his feet. "And you wouldn't be a winner.."

"Oh." I reply quickly. "I guess of we can't spend time together then I'd Better get going.."

I walk away, heading back for the grocery store to get bags of food.


"What took so long?" Rancine exclaims when I go in the library.

"I met Harry by the fence, but it doesn't matter." I walk away, but give her an apple to eat.

I settle with uncooked chicken flavored Ramen, and smash it first.

"Wait-- what do you mean 'doesn't matter'! It does matter! You saw them! They're safe!"

I sigh. "Well, yeah, but it wasn't a very...pleasant meet,I guess I'd say."


I run to the book drop-off-place to sleep. This time it was easy to be peaceful.

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