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Chapter 14

I was to relieved to finally see Niall again when I woke up in the hospital. I don’t know how, but I feel like some inner part of me knew that he would be there, and when I saw him, it was like a dream come true. When I’d first opened my eyes, I could barely concentrate on his tear-stained face, and I was woozy from the drugs that constantly dripped into my arm from an IV that hung above my head. When I finally got my eyes to focus, I couldn’t have been happier. His voice rang through my ears in wisps and echoes, and the words barely registered to me. All I saw was his angelic face masked by sadness. I wasn’t sure whether to be happy or upset about his sadness. On the one hand, I was happy because that meant that I was important to him, but on the other, I never wanted to see him sad like that. It broke my heart.

I had to make everything between us better, and if that meant consoling him, then that’s just what I’d do. I never wanted to see him this upset about anything again.

I was still so fuzzy, and I wasn’t too sure what was happening during the kiss. The only thing I remember was having no restraints, and it felt good. I couldn’t wait until I would heal, and I could have more of Niall. Everything with him felt exciting and new, and that was okay with me. It was the best feeling in the world to have someone with you that made you feel loved, and that was exactly what Niall did for me. It was amazing, and I never wanted it to end.

I must’ve fallen asleep in Niall’s arms without realizing it, because I woke up for the second time near twilight. My head was clearer now than it had been hours before. I felt truly awake for the first time in days. I lifted my head slightly from where it had been resting on Niall’s chest as he laid in the hospital bed next to me. His breathing was light and soft, and I could tell that he wasn’t really sleeping; he was only dozing. I wondered how long we’d been like this for a moment before I realized that it didn’t matter. I was only just beginning to understand that no matter how much time I spent with him, it would never be enough to satisfy me. I would always want more of him.

What if he was the one?

I breathed in deeply as I put my head back down, and burrowed into the soft, warm crook of his neck. Niall shifted a little, but he didn’t wake. For a moment, I just laid there with my head on his chest, and enjoyed his warm, inviting scent. For the first time since I was kidnapped, I was utterly at peace.

I struggled to keep my thoughts away from those long, dark hours. I didn’t want the memories to come flooding back. I didn’t want to remember that time where every minute had seemed to stretch out into infinity with the unimaginable horrors that I’d been forced to endure. I didn’t want to face the fact that I’d come so close to loosing my life, and the chance with the only thing I really cared about anymore: Niall. I didn’t want to come to terms with the fact that the man that did this to me was still out there. He was still on the loose.

He was still a danger.

Part of my subconscious fretted that if he saw all the headlines and read about how I had survived his assault, he might come back for me. He might come to finish the job.

He might succeed.

That man had caught me off guard once, who’s to say that he wouldn’t do it again, and this time not fail? The idea terrified me. Especially now that Niall and I were involved. I didn’t want him to get wrapped up in this mess only to get hurt emotionally or, God forbid, physically. I didn’t want to put him in harm’s way, and no matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t, I knew deep down that I was. I couldn’t get away from it.

It was the truth.

But I couldn’t just leave him. I didn’t have anywhere to go. Besides, even if I could find somewhere to hide, I couldn’t just go without saying goodbye. What if I never got the chance to come back? I pushed the thought away. There was no way I would leave forever. This wasn’t an indefinite decision. I would come back eventually, but how soon that would be, I didn’t know. I didn’t want to end what small bud of love I could have with Niall over this, but what choice did I have? If he got hurt, or killed, because of me I would never be able to live with myself. I would never be able to forgive myself for that because it would be my fault, and mine alone.

And unfortunately for me, there wouldn’t be anyone here that would be able to console me.

The decision that I was already coming to face weighed heavily on my mind and heart. I would have to leave Niall, and I wouldn’t be able to tell him where I was going for his own safety. There was not a doubt in my mind that the man that had already broken my body would be coming for me. He would be trying to cover his own tracks, and he would be sure not to fail. It was too dangerous to risk not leaving. I had no choice in the matter anymore.

No matter how much I didn’t want to, I was going to have to break Niall’s heart.

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