Chapter Eight

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The new school year started off slow. Work was slow, classes were slow, and the progression to win Jake's affection was also slow. Everything was moving at a lazy pace, and Dirk was hating it.
The weather began to lean closer to fall, and as the leaves of the trees began to fall, so did Dirk's hope for love. 
Jake had been socializing with everyone, and become rather friendly with a specific lady by the name of Aranea. Both of them shared majority of their classes together, while Dirk and him only had one class together. Dirk had calculated that by the end of the semester, Aranea and Jake would have a higher chance of getting together than Dirk and Jake. Dirk was distressed by this, and no matter what he did, he would not accept this fact. 
Rufioh was another issue as well. Old fantasies that Dirk filed away suddenly became the main story in his mind. Dirk knew he had to somehow get rid of Rufioh, and he needed to do it soon. 

"You can't just erase Rufioh out of your mind, Dirk." Jane hummed as she readjusted her tie. Together they walked to English. 
"I know that, but I can definitely settle the tension between him and I." 
"And how will you do that?" 
Dirk looked down at Jane, "I am going to tell him that I am over him." 
Jane nodded and entered the classroom. She took her seat in front of Dirk's desk and turned around, sighing, "Are you sure you are capable of such a difficult task?"
"Are you seriously asking that question, Crocker? Of course I am." He sat down, dumping his bag next to his desk. Jane smiled and faced the front of the class. The teacher entered and greeted the class. She began to talk about their set work and the history behind the book. Dirk didn't even catch the name of book, he was rather focused on Aranea. She was sitting next to him, and now and then she would give Dirk that bitch glare that she was notorious for. He returned those glares with his own. 

Once the bell had rung for the end of class, Dirk stood up and began to pack his belongings. He tried his best to leave the class as quickly as possible, but Aranea caught him quicker than expected. 
"Dirk?" she said. He turned around and looked at her. She was rather plump, with short blonde hair and a sharp-boned face. Her voice was deep, and had an abnormally smooth sound to it. 
"Yes?" He responded, throwing his bag over his shoulder and making his way out the class room. Aranea followed.
"Is it possible that we could talk?" 
"We're talking right now, so it seems very possible." 
"That is true," she forced out a chuckle, "I mean, rather, could we talk about a specific subject?"
"I don't want to gossip," Dirk took a sharp left. He was heading toward the lockers. Aranea had to speed up her pace to keep up.
"No no, this is not gossip. Rather a personal business that you and I share. You see, Dirk, I am sure you have noticed that Jake and I have become rather close. I just want to say that I am, in no way, intending on ruining your relationship with him. I sincerely hope that there will be no bad blood between you and I, because I like you Dirk. If ever I will need you in the future, I don't want any tension between us," Dirk raised an eyebrow, "The point I am trying to get to, Dirk, is I hope you will respect the fact that I want to be with Jake and he wants to be with me. If you decide to not support me, then rather support Jake." 
She finished off her speech with a cocky smile. It was almost as forced as her laugh earlier. Dirk stopped in front of his locker and chuckled. 
"Aranea?" He said,
"Fuck off."
With that, Dirk turned to his locker and opened it. He retrieved what he needed and left. Aranea stood there, a large frown smeared across her face. 

The last bell rung for the day, and the main school building was spewing out students. Dirk raced to Jake's dorm, huffing like an enraged bull. He burst through the door of the dorm and practically flew up the flight of stairs. He walked to dorm 413 and slammed his fist onto the door. There was no answer. Dirk chewed his lip as he took out his cellphone and called Jake. When Jake answered, Dirk ordered him to come his own dorm so they could sort some shit out. Within ten minutes Jake was there, his cheeks red from running. 
Jake opened the door, and both of the boys walked into the room. The Englishman sat on the bed, his brows furrowed.

"Alright English, let me get something straight. You and Aranea?" Dirk's cheeks were pink too.
"Me and Aranea? What about us?"
"You want to be with her?" 
"What? No?" 
Dirk froze in his pace, "What?"
"Aranea came and just vomited out an entire confession onto me. I could hardly breathe because the vomit smelled like bitch." 
"I am so sorry to say this Dirk, but I am terribly confused. All I can say, yeah she seems spiffing and cute, but other than that she's quite terrifying. Maybe she thought I like-liked her back? But whatever she says is not true, Strider." 
Dirk tried to suppress his smile. This was quite unexpected. Dirk's heart beat calmed down, and his flustered cheeks died down to their normal tone. He walked over, sat on the bed, and wrapped his arm around Jake.
"You, Mr. English, never cease to surprise me." Jake laughed in response, and wrapped his arm around Dirk. Dirk was too hazed in relief to even notice.
They both let go of each other, and Dirk rubbed his eyes with a sigh. Both of them sat in silence for a while, but their smiles never disappeared entirely. A warm, calm atmosphere filled the room.
"So then why did she tell me all that crap?" Dirk asked.
"I am not entirely sure. Maybe she was trying to make you jealous?"
"Jealous? Why would I get jealous?"
"Why else would you come to my dorm with your knickers in a twist?" Jake raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a nasty grin. Dirk's heart dropped to his stomach.
"Is it wrong to care for your best bro?" He fibbed, his voice shaky. Jake shook his said. After some time Jake patted Dirk's back and then stood up, beginning to undress out his school uniform. Before things got too awkward, Dirk stood up and left, slamming the door behind him.


Dirk had skipped dinner for the night. He stayed in his room wallowing in his own embarrassment. He sat in front of his computer, his hands pulling down the skin of his face. He felt ill, as if the knot in his stomach just became worse. The playlist that he had replayed many times before had just finished, and now he sat in silence. He stared at himself in the screen of the laptop in thought. He felt foolish for what happened, and how transparent he was being. That was probably why Aranea talked to him. She knew he was gay and wanted Jake just as much as she did, and she wanted this all to happen. Maybe it was an indirect way of telling Jake Dirk was gay? What if Jake was put off of Dirk now? He hammered his fist onto the table realizing how Aranea was toying with him... and what about Rufioh? Did he have some part to play in this game?
"I need some fresh air," He mumbled to himself as he pulled on a shirt and opened the door. In the door way was Rufioh in all his glory. Without a word he pushed passed Nitram.
"And now, Strider? Where you going?" Rufioh turned to watch Dirk walk away.
Rufioh decided to follow, his hands in his pockets, his strides large. Dirk ignored him. He threw open the main doors of the dorm and stood in the light of lamppost outside the building.
"Rufioh, what are you doing?" Dirk said as he heard the other's footsteps. Rufioh stopped next to Dirk and leaned against the large lamp.
"Looking at you. Looks like you want to say something."
"I want to say a lot of things."
"Then what'ya waiting for?"
Dirk bit his bottom lip and shrugged. He began to walk again, but Rufioh grabbed his arm.
"What the fuck, let go." He attempted to yank his arm away but Rufioh didn't release his grip; if anything it tightened.
"Why do you hate me, man?"
"What the hell do you hate me?" Rufioh let go of Dirk and rather gripped him with his hazel eyes.
"Are you seriously asking that question? Are you that fucking retarded?" Dirk took a breath and stepped back.
Rufioh stepped forward, "Yes I am seriously asking this question. Why do you hate me so much? I have been trying for so long to try and mend our relationship and you keep pushing me away and it kinda hurts. It hurts when you get pushed away."
Dirk chuckled, "Well now you know how I felt for so long."
"Why do you hate me?"
"Because you broke my heart you fucking asshole!"
Rufioh stared in silence.
"You decided to cheat on me with that bitch Megido, and then expected me to forgive you! What a dick thing to do, Rufioh. What a motherfucking dick thing to do. And now you think, after what you did to me, that you can just go ahead and try mend our relationship? Fuck off you pathetic shit head." Dirk pressed his lips together and walked away, but Rufioh refused to leave it be.
"But I want to make things better." He responded finally.
"That's impossible." Dirk huffed. 
Rufioh, with a rough tug, pulled Dirk toward him. Dirk tried to push away. Rufioh turned him around and hit his lips against Dirk's. Dirk stood frozen, his heart beating. He tried to pull away, but Rufioh faught back. After a while, Dirk gave in, and he melted into Rufioh.

This is not what Dirk wanted. Not at all.  

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