Chapter Twelve.

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Dirk woke up the next morning with his cheeks burning red. In frustration he slammed his fist onto his bed; it was just a dream. A fucking dream! Dirk rubbed his forehead with his index finger and thumb, and got out of bed. It was early; early enough to go downstairs and have a shower. He snatched his towel that hung off his door knob, and made his way downstairs. He entered the bathroom and ambled over to the closest shower. Turning on the tap, he waited for the water to warm up. He leaned against the wall after undressing and wrapping the towel around his hips. These showers always took forever to heat up. He looked at the door swing open. Little Kankri walked in, wearing a fluffy white gown.
"Morning Vantas." Kankri waved as he moved over to the sink to brush his teeth. Dirk kept his eye on Kankri. Even in a gown Kankri's butt looked good.
"How are you?" Kankri asked when he finished brushing his teeth.
"In dire need to get out of the school and away from everyone."
Kankri nodded, "I have heard that one more than enough times. In fact I could actually write a book on the different ways to say that phrase."
Dirk showed Kankri a thumbs up before dropping his towel and stepping into the shower. Kankri just gasped. Dirk snickered in return,
"Sorry Vantas, you were looking."
Kankri left the bathroom in a bashful hurry.

School went rather slow. The dream hung in Dirk's frustrated mind. Every time he eyed Jake, his chest would ache. He was dying to just grab Jake's hand and run out of school, away from everyone and everything. Roxy nor Jane helped him either. They weren't irritating, just not present to distract Dirk from Jake.
After school, Dirk went to the school hall, where he did his after school activity; Mixed Martial Arts. He strutted into the hall, determined to get some irritation out on someone else. They all did their warm ups separately. Dirk loved to show off his flexibility; he folded himself exactly in half as he reached down to touch his toes. He did basic warm ups, and then other complicated ones that his brother had taught him; basically turning himself into a pretzel.
The instructor then called everyone, telling them to make two lines, both facing each other.
"Now, the person standing across from you will be your partner for the whole of the semester. When you practice, you will work with the person across from you. Do not forget who your partner is please," said the instructor. How could Dirk forget his partner? It was no one other than Makara. His intense mop of hair was tied back, and for the first time, Dirk saw him with no sleeves on. He was rather thin and skeletal.
The instructor then told everyone to meet up with their partners and practice basic kicks on each other. Dirk strode over to Kurloz and he did the same. They both bowed to greet each other. Dirk decided to block first. They practiced together in silence. The entire time, Dirk's eyes were stuck on Kurloz's. He was an odd man; Makara. There were strange stories about him and his family. He seemed to be the most sane one out of the whole Makara clan. Dirk had heard stories that his younger brother was submitted into an insane asylum. His father also had a similar record of going in and out of asylums. Kurloz, on the other hand, was seen as the dark magician out of the three. The silliest thing Dirk had heard was that he could speak to you via your mind, since he is mute.
Just the mere presence of Kurloz made the whole area feel dark and heavy. Dirk brushed off the feeling. He was not scared of him, and in any case, his kicks were weak.

After practicing for a while, the session ended off with a jog around the entire school. Dirk didn't struggle at all, in fact he loved jogging. It gave him time to himself, as if he didn't have enough already. As he was running, he turned the corner, almost finished with his lap. He squinted his eyes to see into the distance; Bro? He stopped running when he saw his older brother walk into the Head Master's office and quarters.
"What the fuck?" He said to himself. He breathed in heavily as he continued to jog. When he finished his run, he walked over to the office. He wanted to go in, but the receptionist stopped him, saying that it is business not involving him. With a snort he left and went to his dorm.
He landed on his bed, rubbing his eyes. What the hell is going on?
He sat up, and looked at his phone laying next to him. He needed to give his brother a call, but something stopped him. He was too scared; too scared to find out why he was here. Then again, what if it isn't anything bad? He picked up his phone and instead called Jake.
"Good evening mister Strider."
"Hey, uh, can you talk?" Dirk stood up and looked out the window,
"Of course. What is the matter?"
"My bro. He's here. I'm worried that... he might be taking me home."
"And why would he do that?" Jake sounded awfully worried.
"I don't know, Jake. He's weird and fucking..." He grunted, "he's trying to control my life and it's just so..."
Dirk shook his head and walked around his room, trying to calm down,
"He thinks he can just come and do what he wants, and that I will just willfully tag along with him."
Jake sighed,
"Oh, old chap, I am sure it is perfectly dandy. If that were the case I am sure you would have been called by now or something. Don't tie your knickers into a knot for something that might not even be true!"
Dirk kept quiet. But what if it was true? That was what gnawed at Dirk. Jake said he'd be ready if Dirk needed him before he hung up. Dirk didn't move, nor think. He stood mindlessly for a while, before coming to again. He walked over to his bed and almost immediately fell asleep when he got tucked in. The workout affected him way more than the presence of Bro, strangely enough. Dirk received no call nor any message, and so he slept somewhat peacefully. When he woke up the next day, feeling heavy and tired, he remembered seeing his brother. It made his stomach tighten. Once he was dressed in his uniform, he opened the door. He was on edge, and expected some sign of him leaving at every turn, but there were no signs. 

He began to feel sick of not knowing what was going on, and so when he found the right opportunity, he took out his phone, searched for his brother's number, and pressed dial. 

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