Chapter Three

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Dirk sat hidden behind the black velvet curtains, eyeing the people leaping around like lunatics on the wooden platform. He tried so hard to sustain his ninja instincts, the sword next to him basically calling his name. He tapped his foot, listening to the people in the light repeat the same sentences over and over again. He regretted being here, but he needed some extra credits - there was no other option but this. It was death and half, it was torture, it was backstage crew. He tried to imagine himself as a ninja, the fake swords next to him his collection. He was secretly finding the traitor within the group of actors on the stage, along with finding his kawaii prince that he was secretly protecting. Obsessed with anime much? Nah.

"Alright everyone, take it from the top. Collect your props and quickly go over your lines." The director ordered. The people on the stage rushed to the back as soon as the front curtain dropped.

Dirk barely knew any of the cast (except for Kankri and Aranea), let alone the backstage crew (except for Jake). He made the mistake of leaving his extra mural credits for the end of the month, so while Roxy was in Year Book club and Jane in student council he was stuck backstage with Jake. He brushed back his hair and handed the male actors their specific prop; majority of them weapons. He then shoved his hands into his skinny, black jean pockets, letting out another bored sigh.

"Psst, Strider." Jake whispered from the back of the stage. Dirk looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He watched Jake place a top hat on his head and put on a pair of tiny spectacles, he then stuck a pipe in between his lips and pouted like a pompous rich lord. Dirk snickered. He then walked towards the fella, and found a blonde wig along the way. He put it on along with a pink feather boa.

"Oh my lady, you look rather ravishing today." He spoke softly. Dirk batted his eyelashes,

"I could say the same about you, my respectable sir." He replied, conveying a very good English accent. He snatched a pink frilled fan and fanned himself gently.

"No, no, I am nothing respectable. Compared to you, I might as well bow down to your beauty." Jake hummed.

"Oh, Mr. English you're making me blush." He acted - obviously.

"Oi, shush." The props director stared at the two from the other corner of the stage. Jake and Dirk snickered together, and got out of their costumes. The Englishman stepped closer to whisper to Dirk, "You are good at taking the mickey, my good sir." Jake complimented. Taking... the mickey? Dirk chuckled a bit too loudly.

"What?" Could this guy get any cuter?

"Taking the mickey? It means making fun of something, and you did a good job with my accent."

"Bro your accent is going to be the bane of my existence, I can't take it seriously."

"Excuse you. You don't see me making fun of your accent."

"You better not." Dirk's poker face returned, Jake stayed snickering but he managed a nod. Dirk kept his amber eyes on Jake through his shades, his stare somewhat soft, and after a while he returned back to his post.

"I want everyone to take a twenty minute break. Props should be sorted out and placed where they were found originally. I heard that two stage crew members were making a noise backstage, Dirk and Jake was it?" The director paused and looked over the entire crew. Jake slowly lifted his hand, and with a smug look on his face, Dirk did as well, "You two will stay and sort out the costumes."

"Fine with me." Dirk shrugged and made his way to the costume room, Jake followed - looking like a scolded puppy.

They walked to the back of the stage, the white door almost glowing in the dark. The two boys entered the dressing room. The room was filled with rusted racks holding cheap costumes from recent plays. Jake closed the door and looked at the costumes; meanwhile Dirk just took a seat on a box and took out his phone. English looked back at Dirk and raised an eyebrow; who does this fella think he is? What a lazy bum! Jake snatched Dirk's phone and shoved it in his bottom pocket. Dirk stared in return,

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