Chapter Two

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Why did Dirk agree to this? Why the hell did he think going out on a Friday night would be a good idea? Any other guy would think this idea would be chilled, that meeting friends at a restaurant on a Friday night is awesome. Dirk didn't mind that, he just didn't want to see people; past boyfriends for example. He chewed on his bottom lip as he waited for Jane and Roxy, who were taking their sweet ass time. He pulled out his phone and just stared at the screen, thinking it would pass the time.

"Where the hell are you, Rox?" he groaned to himself and leaned against the metal bars. Since there was nothing else to do Dirk took in his surroundings. He watched students exit the gates, the girls painted with makeup, the guys smelling like cheap cologne. He let out another heavy sigh and turned to see a familiar face approach him.

"Oh hello there, Dirk. I didn't know you were coming tonight." Jake's English accent echoed through Dirk's mind.

"Roxy managed to change my mind, plus, someone has to take care of them and I didn't want to burden you with two drunken girls on your first night with us. That is if they get drunk." He shoved his phone in his pocket. Making childish assumptions as always.

"Oh, well thank you for that." He smiled. Dirk returned the smile, but added a hint of badass to the grin. Jake cleared his throat and looked back at the school building. Dirk looked down at the Englishman, sighed softly and had just realised why he didn't want to come.

"Sorry fellas, Roxy wanted to be extra fancy for tonight." Jane hummed once Roxy and her reunited with the boys. It wasn't just Roxy who painted herself into the perfect picture, Jane also added a bit more eye shadow than usual (then again she never wore eye shadow) and wore eyeliner which greatly complimented her blue eyes.

"You better be. What kind of friends are you if you're going to let English and I wait for a long time? And you call me rude, Rox." Dirk sneered and stretched. He imagined Roxy roll her eyes as they began to walk down the street toward The Hog Wagon, one of best restaurants in town. The name may be a bit... odd, but their burgers were wicked.

It wasn't a long walk, and when they reached their destination Dirk's heart dropped to his stomach. Through the glass doors he noticed that Mohawk with the red dip dye. Rufioh Nitram always had his ways with ruining Dirk's day, even if he didn't say anything. Jake stepped forward and opened the door, letting the ladies in first and then Dirk. Roxy walked towards an empty booth and took a seat. Jane tried to sit next to her best friend but Roxy ordered her to sit across from her. With a sigh she did so. Dirk sat next to Jane and Jake took a seat next to Roxy.

The restaurant was full of activity, as expected; it was filled with mainly students in twelfth grade. Laughter and cackles were so loud that if the place went silent your ears would buzz. This was basically all the excitement obtainable in a place like this. Robin Brook was nowhere on the map, it was more of a little town made for the students. The area was made up of a few restaurants, a petite mall and a park. Along with a small neighborhood for the teachers and their families. There was nothing else to it.

"So Jake, met anyone you fancy yet?" Roxy asked as she nudged Jake with her elbow.

"Oh no, but I have met some rather cute little ladies." Jake replied. Cute girls... Dirk tried his best to ignore that.

"Like who?" Roxy asked again.

"Well I did meet this wonderful lady named Aranea today in Literacy class. She was rather lovely; then again you two ladies are as well." He tittered. Roxy smiled and so did Jane, even if she wasn't paying all of her attention on Jake. She was more worried about Dirk. She looked at him and he looked back. These two were most likely telepathic and so they didn't need to talk verbally. With a certain look one could just immediately know what the other meant. In this case, Dirk 'said' that he was fine, it was just the noise level and the people around him that bothered him, he told himself.

"Oh god, Jakey you are just so fucking cute I can't even deal. Okay, next question, how many partners have you had?"

Jake shrugged and hesitated to answer, "None." The trio all looked at the newbie with surprise, Dirk making it subtle of course.

"What?! How can a handsome gentleman like you be single, or even a virgin for that matter?" Roxy was practically curling over Jake.

"Roxy, you're still a virgin." Jane corrected.

"I know, but I'm not a sexy Englishman. If I was a sexy Englishman I would create a kissing booth or something! Let everyone have a taste of my sexiness."

Dirk rolled his eyes and looked at Jake, who just seemed to chuckle at the whole thing. Roxy did have a point though, how could Jake still be a virgin? He is one of the most handsome men Dirk has met, and that says something. He probably could have lost it just with all the looks he got today; it was like some of the students just mentally fucked him.

"Jake it's okay; at least you're not trying to throw it away." Jane placed her hand on the chap's hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"So how did you handle all your crushes and shit? That must have been torture." Roxy added. Dirk was awfully quiet, and he knew it.

"Well, because I lived alone for most of my life. Literally. My grandmother was also my teacher, and when she died I taught myself almost everything until someone found me, put me on a plane and sent me here. Throughout that whole time period I had contact with no people." Dirk raised an eyebrow.

"So you had no one?" he asked finally. Jake shook his head.

"I had a dog for a while, but she got sick and she died when I was thirteen." He answered. Roxy pouted and gave him a hug from the side.

After much chit chat the four finally ordered their meals, all being the classic burger. The whole evening they talked, mainly about Jake's past. The whole while Roxy asked questions, almost forcing the answer out of Jake at times. Jane and Dirk just listened and sometimes they added to the conversation. On their way back Roxy tugged Jake forward and they continued their conversation. Jane stayed behind with Dirk.

"Roxy is being weird again." Jane sighed.

"I know." Dirk replied, "It's irksome."

"It is, but it's the happiest I have seen her in a while. I guess that's what counts."

"I don't know. She gets to that stage where she gets too happy and then you can't pull her out of it. At this point she's just frightening English away."

"You have a point." Jane nodded, "and I know you don't want Jake to run away, huh?"

"He's going to be with us for a while, right? He's going to be our friend, and even though I don't show it I do care about him. He's like a puppy here. I don't want him to get tied up with the wrong people." He referred to Aranea and that crowd. Jane giggled,

"You are such a softie sometimes."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"You might as well be King of the Marshmallows." Dirk smirked and looked down at Jane, and waited for the perfect moment before knocking her with his hips. She giggled again and returned the favour.


Dirk walked the last stretch to his room alone. The halls were still light, it's like it was a sign telling Dirk that it was too early to come home. He sighed and reached his room, thoughts of the night dancing on his mind. It was no doubt that Jake was straight, he never spoke once about meeting a handsome 'chap' - as he would say. Dirk just had to accept the fact that his future with Jake would be a normal friendship and not some romantic fantasy. Gripping tightly onto his keys he tried to scratch Jake out of his mind, but how? His one chance of being happy was taken within a sentence. He opened the door and walked to his desk, opening his laptop and plugging in his head phones. In a moment the world around him was blocked out, forgotten.

Time to make some depressing remixes.

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