Chapter Six

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It was hard to decide. What did Dirk want from Jake? What did Dirk not want from Jake?

When the boys got back Jake went to go shower. Dirk sat on his bed, his shirt was hanging over his shoulders. He was in deep thought, since he took this so seriously. He wanted to make his prize small, but worth it.

It was definitely a challenge. He was even tempted to go on the internet and search for ideas. But no. He wasn't going to descend to that level... yet.

He brushed his hair back; it was still damp. The silence was warm. It made the room feel at peace. There was no stress that lingered above him like a cloud.
It took a while, but Summer had finally hit him.
Jake entered the room with a towel draping over his shoulder, his boxers loosely hanging from his hips. His skin was still red from the hot shower he took.
"And English is back two days later from his shower." Dirk said. He was in front of his laptop, researching anime, by the time Jake got back.
"I was not that long. I just got lost. These dorms are rather confusing." Jake ruffled his hair and dumped his dirty clothes in a pile at the end of his bed. Dirk shrugged and spun around in his chair,
"Have you thought of a prize yet?"
Dirk shook his head, "I have plenty, I just can't choose one. They range from things like buying me nachos to things I would file under 'other'."
Jake raised an eyebrow, and his mouth curved into an onesided smirk. It was like his eyebrow and one end of his lips were attached. He let out a chuckle and turned around, pulling on a shirt.
"Well take your time." Jake hummed. Dirk bit his cheek softly and turned around in his seat, looking back at his laptop screen.

He had a long list of anime to watch... but now that he had a distraction he won't be able to finish it. He didn't mind, it felt like he was in his own anime in any case. He could hear Jake flop onto his bed and type on his phone. Those tacks were so soft, but were always so irritating. Dirk wondered about who Jake was talking to. He didn't have any friends back home, and Jane refused to talk to him. Maybe Roxy?

"Do you believe in wishes, Strider?" Jake asked. The fan on the ceiling slowly turned, creating a gentle breeze.

"Not exactly. Why?"

"I was just wondering, for your prize. Maybe you can make a wish, and I could grant it. Like a genie."

"Where's your magical lamp?"

"Under my bed." Jake joked. Dirk let out a pathetic huff.

"Well I guess it depends on the wish. I would wish for supreme awesomeness but I am afraid I already have that."

"What else would you wish for then?" Jake rolled on his side, and looked at Dirk.

Dirk stayed silent for a while, pretending to think, "An awesome partner."

"Partner is what sense?" Jake's eyes glinted with curiosity.

"Partner in everything. Crime, adventures, love, etcetera."

"So you want me to hook you up with some lovely chap here at school?"

Dirk could only manage a weak nod before he switched off his lamp, turned to face the wall, and take off his shades. Jake switched his lamp off too.

Dirk's eyes stared at the wall, right in front of him was a painting he had done the month Jake arrived. It was an orange heart, that was against a black background. Roxy had managed to spill some green paint on the left bottom corner. He took a liking to it and was tempted to put it in his visual diary, but he had some sort of bond to it... it was odd. He could never explain it, it was more of just a page for testing brushes...

It was just a doodled heart, yet he couldn't let go of it.

He stared at it for a while longer before fading into slumber.

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