Chapter Ten

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The room was clean and tidy by the time Dirk woke up Saturday morning. There were no crumpled papers on the floor, no dirty laundry hanging over the office chair on the other side of the room. The desk was clean and the posters on the wall absent. Even the bed it's self was vacant.
Dirk sat up and rubbed his one eye, and then put on a shirt. Once the crust from his eyes were rubbed away he glanced again at the emptiness of the room. Dirk licked his lips and checked the time; half past nine. He only went to bed at around three in the morning. The passed few days have been hell, but for some odd reason today felt a lot lighter to Dirk. His body felt less tense, and in all honesty, it made him feel uncomfortable.
Once he got dressed he made his way to Roxy's dorm. The grey sky made the place seem more blinding; the white stone paths reflected the pale light of the sun. Dirk regretted not bringing his shades. He sent a message to Roxy just before reaching the building. As he arrived, the thin New Yorker exited the building. Dirk only recently noticed Roxy's build. The older Roxy had got, the more stretched out she appeared. She barely had any curves, and her breasts were the average size, maybe even smaller. He only began noticing this when she got back from New York in the summer. It's as if everyone had transformed over the summer except for him and Jake.
Roxy and him greeted each other with a hug, and together they walked down the path toward Jane's dorm. There was silence for some time, the both of them lost in their own world of thought. It wasn't until they passed the Head Master's building did they begin talking.
"I don't think I'm going to leave you today without telling you what happened recently, huh?" he said. Roxy nodded and looked up at him, her eyes glistening as if she was waiting for some new gossip.
Dirk cleared his throat dramatically, "Well, I think it was Thursday night, I had this fight with Rufioh again. He was really pissing me off, especially after the whole incident with Aranea. But that Aranea thing doesn't matter exactly, it was pretty stupid... Anyway, I got out the building to get fresh air and Nitram followed me. Some yells were exchanged, and out of nowhere he kissed me."
Roxy gasped, "I pushed him away but he kept fighting back and then I finally just gave in and let him do what he wanted to do - which I thought was just more kissing. Sadly, it wasn't. He managed to touch me and force me to do shit I didn't want to do and then when he was done, he just left me. He left me laying there on the bench outside my dorm, in emotional pain."
Roxy took Dirk's hand and held it tight. She didn't speak a single word.
"And then Aranea came into the picture. The very next night, I was walking back to my dorm and then I stumbled across Mr. Fuckass Nitram himself, with Aranea underneath him, both of them naked by the way. He was actually... raping her, that motherfucker. So I go inside and break the two apart. I kick Rufioh in the stomach and help Aranea back to her dorm, and I woke up to find Rufioh's side of the room completely empty."
Roxy stopped in her stride and looked up at Dirk. She shook her head and hugged Dirk tightly. Dirk pressed his lips tightly together, and hugged back. He wanted to say he was okay, but he wasn't. He felt glad that he told Roxy, but other than that, he was still drained. He looked down at her and she exchanged the glance.
"Oh Dirky... I'm so sorry. I wish I was there to help." She spoke softly.
"It's alright. I got my chance to fuck him up a little. I'll be okay."
"Okay, but if you ever need anything you know Janey and I can kick anyone's ass for you." She managed a smile. She always possessed a wide smile, it was the kind that looked innocent and kind. It made Dirk smile almost always. 

Jane refused to get out of her dorm, she said she had a lot of work to do. Instead, she suggested she'd try to catch up with the group a little while later. Roxy and Dirk decided to go the park, and there they met up with Jake. Together they sat in the dull sun, all of them worn out by whatever reason. There was no one in the park. It was a quiet, empty Saturday.
The feeling of Rufioh vanishing gnawed at Dirk. He looked at Jake, who sat across from him on the grass. Jake looked at him, too. He looked worried, and tired. His vibrant green eyes were watered down to a general green.
"Why don't we go to the Hog Wagon tonight to boost our spirits, eh?" Jake said as he rolled up his flannel shirt sleeves.
Roxy shook her head, "I've got work to do with Kurloz."
"Yep. He and I are partners for Band for this project."
"He plays an instrument? Isn't the fella deaf?" Jake tilted his head to the side. Dirk noticed he tended to do that quite often.
"No, Meulin is the deaf one. Kurloz is mute, and he plays the cello."
"Well that's still rather exciting! It's quite the pity you can't join Dirk and I tonight." Jake grinned as he looked at Dirk, a bit of life flooding into his eyes again. Dirk raised his eyebrows and shrugged,
"Yeah sorry, Rolal, it's real damn pity."
Roxy smiled and giggled in a giddy way. Dirk pushed Roxy gently. He knew exactly why she was giddy, and he was beginning to feel slightly giddy himself. 

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