Chapter One

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Jasmine's POV

I almost fall out of bed when my 5 am alarm goes off. Thank-you alarm clocks! Because every morning should begin with a heart attack! I turn my alarm off then back on again. My alarm clock is really weird. Anyway, it's my first day as a waitress at Nando's today! I have to be there at 6 am this morning, because I'm new and they're going to train me and stuff. Then tomorrow I can be there at 10:30 am. I slowly changed into my Nando's uniform and then go to the bathroom and brush my hair. I pull my mid-length dark brown hair into a high ponytail, even though I hate them. But rules are rules, I guess. Waitresses must wear there hair in high ponytails so they're hair doesn't get into the food or something like that. I don't put on any makeup because I hate it- I like to go natural. It already looks like I'm wearing a tiny bit of eye liner due to my dark eyelashes. It got me into trouble when I went to school because they thought I was wearing makeup. Oh well. It makes my brown eyes stand out, I guess. I grab my bag and rush out the door. Just as I start the engine, I realised that I hadn't had breakfast. I'll just remember to stop off at Maccas or something. I check the time on my iPhone. I look at my screensaver, which is a llama. Llamas are my favourite animal. When I was in Grade 6, I used to be Crazy about llamas with a capital C. Now, at 21 years old, I have grown out of that obsession, but I still love llamas, and they love me. I stop looking at the llama and look at the time. 5:45. I have 15 minutes to get to Pacific Werribee (the shopping centre where Nando's is) and get breakfast. Maybe I'll get something from the food court. Skipping breakfast is not an option. I love food, but not as much as one of my best friends, Emily, does. I reverse out of the driveway and drive to Pacific Werribee.

                  *5 minutes later*

I pull into the empty car park and easily find a parking spot. I walk into the shopping centre. Pacific Werribee agreed to open early so I could train. I walk around the shopping centre until I find Nando's. I walk in. "Morning, Jasmine!" The manager, May, says cheerfully. Impossible. How could a person possibly be that cheerful and happy on a Monday morning? "Morning, May." I say.
"You ready to start your training?" May asks. "Sure am." I reply.
"Awesome," May exclaims, "behind the window is the head chef, Mack." Mack pokes his head out the window. "'Sup?" He says. "The sky." I smartly reply. Mack laughs. "Well, technically the ground is up, because we are the 'Land Down Under', but let's not get too fed up with the technicalities." He smartly replies back. "Anyway, I'm going to walk in the restaurant and you have to show me to my seat. More waiters and waitresses who agreed to help out will walk in. After a certain amount of time- you be the judge of that- come ask if we want to order. You write it on the docket- make sure to use abbreviations, but so the chef can still read it- and take it to the order machine. You type it up and press print. Then you go wait other tables." May tells me.
"I should be able to remember that." I say.
"Good. Okay, eleven AM, and we are now open."
May goes outside, then walks back in 5 seconds later. I walk up to her. "Hello, welcome to Nando's, how may I help you?" I say cheerfully.
"Hello, table for one, please." She smiles back. I grab a menu and a number (which is number 1) and show her to a table. She sits down, says thank-you, then picks up her menu. I walk over to the window. "Nice job." Mack says. "Thanks." I smile. 5 minutes later, I walk back over to May. "Are you ready to order?" I ask her.
"Yes, can I please have the Peri- Peri chicken?" I scribble down P-P chic. "Anything else?" I ask.
"No thanks." May replies.
"So that's one Peri- Peri chicken?" I ask, making sure I have the order right. "Yes, please."
I walk over to the order machine and type in the order and the table number. I press print and hear the sound of a printer. A few seconds later, I hear a ding sound. I rush over to the window. "Table one." Mack says. I grab the plate and carry it with one hand. I walk over to May. "Peri- Peri chicken?" I ask.
"Yep." May says. I place the empty plate in front of her. "Thank-you." She says. More people walk in. I greet them, show them to their table and take their order. May stands up and leaves. I grab the plate and put it back, but when I'm actually waiting tables, I have to put it in the sink. I continue waiting tables until 10:30. May comes up to me. "Fantastic! You will be great!" She exclaims.
"Thanks." I smile. I leave and go to Maccas for breakfast. I grab a Big Mac Meal because I am really hungry. I eat it really quickly and go back to Nando's. I begin to prepare for my first day by washing my hands. May tells me to make sure every table has cutlery and napkins. I do as I'm told. Then I introduce myself to the other waiters and waitresses. Then the clock on the wall turns to 11:00, and the first customer walks in. I rehearse my lines and show him to his table. I give him a table number and a menu. I wait 5 minutes and take his order. I put it into the machine, wait about 15 minutes, give him his food, then continue this for about an hour. It then seems a bit more interesting when 4 oddly familiar guys walk in.
Hey everyone!
Finally done! (Does victory dance.)
Hope you like it! Tell me what you think, especially you, LlamasLoveMe .
This is the longest chapter I have ever written on Wattpad. I'll tell you how many words there are at the end. The other chapters may be a bit shorter. Anyway, I should have the next chapter ready soon.

1099 words.

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