Chapter Nine

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Again, I was standing in front of my cupboard, studying my clothes and trying to figure out what to wear. What has gotten into me? I used to be 'the girl who didn't care' in the Fashion World! Anyway, I eventually decided on a light blue dress with patterns and a dark blue stripe on the hem, and aqua sandles. I put some of my hair into a ponytail for that half up, half down look, with a gold clip. I hurried out the door and got into the car. Then I drove off to IPA to meet Niall.

When I got there, I saw him waiting for me out the front. He was wearing a nice plaid shirt and black pants. He put on that charming smile when he saw me. "You look beautiful." He says.

"Thank you." I smile back. I was always told to only thank the person who complimented me, because if I had added anything on about my outfit it would be considered unnecessary and vain. "Ready to head in?" He asks. I nod and we walk in.

We get seated at a table that shows the beautiful forest like path in Werribee. I had hiked there in Scouts once. "What would you like to drink?" Niall asks, showing me the drinks menu.

"I'll have a raspberry, thanks." A young waitress who looks about a year or two older than me walks over to our table. She obviously recognises Niall, because she asks for his autograph. When he's gladly signed a napkin for her, she takes our drink orders. "A Coca-Cola for me and a Raspberry Lemonade for the lady." He smiles at me. I smile back. She takes down our order, repeats it to us, then walks away.

"What would you like to eat?" He asks me. I look at the menu. Mostly pizza and pasta. I have an Italian background, so I'll eat anything. I settle on spaghetti bolognaise. Niall gets meat cannelloni. While we wait for our meal, we talk. "What does Il Pastifico Angela or whatever it's called mean anyway?"

"Il Pastifuco Angolo," I correct while laughing. "It means 'The Corner Pasta Shop'. It's Italian." I add. "Well, I worked that out before." He smiles, commenting on my last remark. I laugh again. Niall's a nice and funny guy. Definitely a keeper.

In what seems like no time at all, our food comes. "Mmm... Food." Niall pick up his knife and fork and starts eating. I pick up my fork and twirl spaghetti around it. "Mmm... Delicious." We say in unison, which causes us to laugh. We eat while chatting a bit. I reckon I laughed a lot.

Eventually, it was time to go. Niall refused to let me pay a single cent. We walked to my car. "Thanks for a lovely night." I smile, which was probably a bit hard to see in the moonlight.

"No, thank you."He suddenly pulls me in and kisses me. With no hesitation I kiss back. It was wonderful. When he pulls away, he asks the second biggest question a woman would be asked in life.

"Will you be mine?"

I kiss him. "I'm guessing that meant yes." He laughs.

"Of course it did."

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