Chapter Seven

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My phone buzzed.
Niall <3: I'm at the 3 Beans. See you soon xx
Me: I'll be there in 5 xx

My cheeks flushed red with embarresment. Before Niall's recent text, I had no idea which local coffee shop he'd been refering to. At least I knew now. Luckily, I was going the right way. In what felt like no time at all, I was at the 3 Beans. I got out of the car, locked it, and walked inside. Niall was standing near the door, a crowd of girls swarming around him. I tried to get through the crowd, but it was no use. I stood on the tip of my toes to get Niall to see me. Fortunately, he did. He excused himself from the girls and walked up to me. "Hi Jasmine." He smiles. "Hey Niall," I smile back. "You can call me Jas."
"Well, Jas, shall we go get a drink?"
"Sure, Niall, that would be nice." We then burst out laughing. "Let's go. What would you like?"
"Just a mint hot chocolate, thanks." I reply. He orders. He pays, and we stand aside. "I could've paid for mine." I say. He shakes his head. "My treat."
"Niall Horan?" The man at the register calls. Niall goes to pick up the coffee. Girls squeal when they see him. He looks in the direction of the squealing, smiles, and walks back over to me. He gives me my mint hot chocolate. "Thanks." I smile. We walk over to a table. We talk. I tell him about my friends, he tells me about his. "I wasn't expecting anyone to remember One Direction," he says. "We've been gone for nine years."
"My friends and I remembered you guys," I say. "Chloe was crying when your break started, I was upset, Emily was upset because we were upset." Niall nods. "Well, I'm glad you remembered us." He smiles. I smile back. "I have a question." I say.
"Shoot." He says.
"Is Larry real?" I ask.
"Yes, I can confirm that that is true." He laughs. I laugh too.

When we have finished, he walks with me to my car, because his is right next to mine. "We should hang out another time." He says.
"I'd like that." I smile.
"Bye, Jas." He smiles as I get into my car. "Bye, Niall." I smile back. As I drive away, I wave until he is out of sight. I think that assumed hang out sesh went well.

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