Chapter Three: Texts

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*Group Text*
Chloe: I'll be right over. Pacific Werribee?
Me: Yep.
Chloe: Freaking Hell! I forgot my car is being serviced. Emily, can you give me a ride?
Emily: Sure. Be over in 10.
Chloe: Thanks so much!
Emily: No problem.
Me: Chloe, don't go all fangirl on them. That might creep them out.
Chloe: ... FINE...
Emily: Jasmine is right they have been on a break for nine years so they might not expect people to remember them
Emily: Yes
Me: Tsk, tsk... Naughty Emily, you should know not to text while driving...
Emily: I'm using Siri thats why my texts have no punctuation
Me: Why does Siri have a capital S?
Emily: Because Siri thinks shes so important at least i think Siris a she
Chloe: Sure sounds like a she.
Emily: I'm here! Goodbye, Siri!
Chloe: I'll be right out. Just need to grab paper, pens, pictures, necessities like that.
Me: I just gave 1D their food.
Chloe: OMG give me all the deets!
Me: Well, I walked up to their table, asked who had what meal, I said enjoy, they said thanks.
Chloe: OMG you talked to them!
Emily: You ready yet, Chloe?
Chloe: Yep. Just about to open the door... Opening door...
Emily: Okay, Chloe, that's enough.
Chloe: Opening passenger door, climbing in car...
Emily: It sounds like you're narrating because you're using Siri.
Chloe: Anyway, thanks so much Em.
Emily: Umm... I'm right next to you?
Chloe: Okay, let's go meet my heroes!
Emily: Got to go, see you later, Jas.
Me: Will do. See you soon.

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