Chapter Four

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Chloe barges into Nando's with Emily following behind. Emily waits at the front, while Chloe walks into the kitchen. "Umm, excuse me, you can't be in here..." May says to Chloe. Chloe ignores her and keeps walking. "Where are they?" She practically shouts at me.
"Table twenty eight." I say. She rushes out the kitchen. I then here a squeal. I watch from the window. Chloe is talking to the boys. She waves Emily over. Emily walks over. Chloe turns around and beckons me. I walk out the kitchen and over to table 28. "I'm Emily." Emily waves as she introduces herself. "I'm Jasmine." I say, smiling. Okay, don't get me wrong, I LOVE One Direction, just not as much as Chloe. The band looks at Chloe. "Oh! I'm Chloe."
"Anyway, is that it for today?" I ask them, switching back to waitress mode.
"Huh?" They ask, confused.
"I'm a waitress..." I remind them.
"Oh! Yep, that's all." Niall says. His Irish accent is so cute! I give them the bill, while Chloe gives them a bunch of things to sign. They pay the bill and stand up to leave. "Bye." They say.
"Oh, thanks for our meal, Jasmine." Niall says to me. "Bye!" Chloe squeals. Emily waves. "Chloe, we told you not to go all fangirl on them, remember?" Emily reminds her. "Are you kidding? That was nothing!" Chloe says. I pick up the bill. I see that they left me a tip. How nice. I pick the change up and put it in my pocket. Underneath is a little slip. It says. Jasmine, call me. Niall xx
It also has his phone number on the back. Wow. I just met him, and he's already given me his number. I check the time. 2 minutes until we close. "I'll only be two minutes, mind waiting?" I ask Chloe and Emily. "Not at all!" Emily says. "Well, I'm hitching a ride with her, so I'll stay, too." Chloe says. I clean up the plates and go to the back room to change out of my waitress clothes. I grab my bags and leave with Chloe and Emily. "Bye." I say when we get to the car park. "Bye." Chloe says.
"See ya." Emily says. We walk out seperate ways. I get in my car and drive home. When I get home, I sit on the couch and look at the note Niall gave me. I get my phone out and save him as a contact. Then I decide to call him. My hands shaking, I press 'call'.

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