Chapter Two

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I walk over to the guys to show them to a table, but one of the other waitresses named Joy beats me to it. "Hi, welcome to Nando's!" She exclaims. "Let me show you to your table." She grabs a number and a menu and takes them to a table. Joy leaves them to serve a different table. "I still think we should've gotten tacos..." The guy with the long, curly brown locks says. "Nah, Nando's is awesome!" A guy with blond hair and an Irish accent says. "We'll get tacos tomorrow, Harry." A guy with dark slicked back hair and the whispy beginnings of facial hair promised.
"Thanks, Liam." The guy, Harry, said.
"Anyway, we should start to figure out what we want." The Irish guy said.
"I'm not all that hungry, Niall." The last guy said. "Louis, you're not hungry for Nando's?!" Niall exclaimed.
"Not really." Louis said. Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis. Those names rung a bell. I quickly walk to the back room of the kitchen and pull my phone out, as we're not allowed to use our phones in the restaurant. I create a group text with my best friends Chloe and Emily. Do the names Harry, Liam, Niall and Louis sound familiar to you? I ask them. It only takes me a few seconds to get a reply back from Chloe. OMG, yes! Why?
I text back: They're at Nando's today.
Chloe texts: Jasmine, Emily, I leave my final will under my pillow as I'm dying of suffocation.
Me: But who are they?
Chloe: Emily, a little help please? She doesn't know who the Fantastic Four of the music world are.
Emily: Don't hate me, Chloe, I'm not a big fan of them, but I ship Larry Stylinson.
I gasp. Music, Four, Larry Stylinson. It's One Direction!
Hey everyone!
Sorry this chapter was short. Tell me what you think.

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