Chapter Six

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9:00. I pace my room, wondering what to wear. Do I dress nice or casual? Is it a date or just a friendly hang out? I don't usually care about my appearance on dates, but this is NIALL. FREAKING. HORAN. MY CHILDHOOD CELEBRITY CRUSH. Back then, I knew it would be impossible, but you never know. I used all my first stars, shooting stars, fountain tosses and 11:11s to be with him. I guess wishes come true if you really care about them. Anyway, I decided to group text Chloe and Emily for advice.
(Me, Emily, Chloe)


Ahh! What's wrong?

I'll explain later. Just come over immediately, please?

I'm on my way!

Me too!

Thanks so much! See you soon!

*5 minutes later*

"Thanks so much for coming!" I say to Chloe and Emily for coming. "What's the emergency?" Emily asks, sounding worried. "I'm meeting Niall at a coffee shop but I don't know if it's a date or whatever and I don't know what to wear." I say quickly.
"Wow," Chloe says. "Jasmine is wondering what to wear."
"I know, I am just as shocked as you are, but this is the Niall Horan! Remember you used to ship Jiall all the time?" I say.
"True," Emily says. "I think you should wear something you feel comfortable in, but make sure it's a bit nice. Like, don't wear a ratty old tee and trackies."
"Thanks." I say.
"Tell us when you're ready." Chloe says, and Emily and Chloe walk out. It takes me a few minutes, but I finally decide on black leggings, a bright star top, a llamacorn hoodie and blue converses. The outfit was comfortable and kinda nice. Cool. Hope Niall likes it. "Ready!" I yell to Chloe and Emily. They walk in. "Perfect." Emily says. Chloe laughs. "You are overly obsessed with One Direction." I laugh.
"'Obsessed' is a word lazy people use for 'dedicated'," Chloe states. "So I'm overly dedicated? Thank you for the compliment." We all burst out laughing. "What time do you have to meet Niall?" Emily asks.
"Ten." I reply.
"Well, it's ten to, so you'd better hurry!" Chloe says. "Oh, god!" I say, rushing for the door. "Thanks for your help!"
"No problem!" Chloe shouts back.
"Good luck on your assumed hang out sesh!" Emily shouts. I get into my car. I turn the ignition key, the back out of the driveway. As soon as I have, I squeal. I AM GOING TO MEET UP WITH NIALL HORAN!

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