Chapter 19

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~Kirrily POV~

“Niall! I think it’s time that Kendra gets a boyfriend!” I spoke to Niall on the phone.

“What? With whom?” He asked.

“You should know who! Harry!” I laughed at him in my reply. “And I have a plan!”

~Half an hour later~

“Please please please please please!” I begged Kendra. “I’ll ever twerk for you! Niall and I!”

“No.” she said firmly.

“But-but.” I pleaded.

“How about no.”

“Aw come on! Why not?!” I stomped my feet then my shoulders slumped.

Kendra walked over to our school calendar. “In spite of the constant assignments, our usual routine, deadlines, this week,” she firmly planted her finger on next week. “This week is the week that assessments start rolling in. I do not, I repeat, I do not have the time for love.” She sighed.

“Well that’s too bad I suppose. I told him you’re meeting him tonight at 8.” I smirked.

“Like I said, WAIT WHAT?! I’m not going!” She whined.

“Tantrum much,” I cackled evilly.

“You shall pay the price.” She shot daggers at me. She marched up to me and was actually towering over me since she was like 5 feet 9 and I was like 5 feet 3 and I was not wearing heels so I was like half a foot shorter. (A/n: but that’s not a problem because Nialler is 5 feet 7 and Kirrily could wear heels or stand on her tiptoes when kissing him! Win!)

“You’re actually quite tall.” I blurted.

“Well spotted.” She snapped. Aha, her height was actually perfect for a 6 feet 3 Harry. She’d have no reason to not wear heels then! She usually didn’t wear heels for work because she’s already quite tall for girls her age. I was picturing how cute she and Harry would look as a couple and it took everything in me to stop myself from bursting to say that I was actually setting her up with Harry but then she began to walk away!

“Don’t walk away! You can’t leave this poor boy waiting for you all night! What kind of reputation is that gonna give you?” I argued. “One Direction’s assistant stylist leaves blind date to die in the cold, desolate slumps of –”

I heard her sigh. “Fine. I’ll go then.” She finally gave in.

“Yes!” I squealed. “I love you!”

“You’d better.” Kendra snapped.

“Now, what are you going to wear?” I skipped joyfully to her wardrobe.

Quickly making sure she was out of earshot, I pulled out my phone and rung my darling Niall.

“Yeah, Niall, she’s in.”

~At 7:30pm~

~Kendra POV~

“Hurry up.” I complained harshly to Kirrily who was driving.

“Woman, calm thy breasts!” She chuckled.

I shot Kirrily an antagonistic look and slumped back into my seat. I kicked off my heels.

“Don’t get too comfy there, love, we’re almost there!” She smirked at me. A look she only wore when she was up to something.

“What are you up to?” I cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Oh, you know, not much, just, uh, driving my best friend to her blind date,” she said nonchalantly.

I lifted my foot high and kicked her.

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