Chapter 18

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~Narrator POV~

“Are you feeling better now?” Kendra inquired after Perrie who had just woken up.

“Physically, kind of. Emotionally, not really.” Perrie sighed.

“Do you want coffee or ice cream or any goodies? We can even go on a shopping spree. My shout.” Kendra offered to cheer Perrie up.

“No, it wouldn’t be fair to you. Do you have a camera somewhere here?” Perrie glanced around the room.

“Uh, yeah, why?” Kendra responded, puzzled.

“I want to do a cover!” Perrie stood up from the bed and smiled as if she had never smiled before. She became very exhilarated all of a sudden and Kendra was not very used to this thrilled version of Perrie, though it’s not like she didn’t like an enthralled Perrie.

“Uh, sure, then, go ahead, I don’t mind.” Kendra shrugged and handed Perrie the camera.

Perrie sat cross legged on the bed and positioned the camera in front of her. She snapped her fingers. “I need a guitar. Quick, quick.”

“Uh, Kirrily has one that she’s borrowed from the school’s music department. I suppose you can use it temporarily…” Kendra rummaged through Kirrily’s stuff and found the guitar.

Perrie’s eyes sparkled at the sight of the instrument. “Thank you so much!” Kendra nodded but didn’t know why Perrie was so perked up. “You don’t mind if I sing, right?”

“No, not at all.” Kendra assured Perrie who then did a little bit of vocal exercise, since her throat was dry after crying so much over Zayn.

“What song are you going to sing though?” Kendra couldn’t help but blurted her question.

“Oh, you’ll see. You’ll find out very soon, in fact!” Perrie winked.

Tuning the guitar and adjusting the camera, Perrie opened up her heart and sang with her soul.

You were my sun

You were my earth

But you didn't know all the ways I loved you

So you took a chance

And made other plans

But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down

You don't have to say what you did

I already know, I found out myself

Now there's just no chance for you and me, there'll never be

Don't it make you sad about it

You told me you loved me

Why did you leave me

All alone

Now you tell me you need me

When you call me on the phone

Boy I refuse

You must have me confused

With some other girl

Your bridges were burned

And now it's your turn

To cry

Cry me a river



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