Chapter 21

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~Kendra's POV~

I held my chin up, because I was an independent woman, as Louis picked up the card and twirled it between his fingers.

Louis smirked at me cockily. "Are you sure you want to pick this one?" he said cocking an eyebrow.

This made me think twice. What if it was the wrong card? Oh, just how humiliating that would be. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach making me feel uneasy.

Oh gosh, who am I kidding? So what if it was the wrong card? I did not need to be anxious. If it were the wrong card, life would still go on. Look at me. I was so stupid, getting worked up all over some silly piece of card. Alright, maybe Harry's wishes were sincere.

I rolled my eyes. "Please, I know it IS the right card now just go off and do whatever you superintendents do." I shooed them off into another room for them to examine the card, whilst I plucked out a pint of Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and sat on the lounge and ate it. Boy I loved Ben and Jerry's. It's the next best thing after free wifi and Nutella.

~Awhile later~

"Okay we are done!" I heard Louis announce before crashing through the door into the living room.

"Oh joy," I muttered sarcastically as the whole gang - except for Harry of course - trooped in and just sat on the lounges, but all in their little professional facade. I thanked my lucky stars not all officers are as absurd as these creatures are.

"That sounds like something only I would say." Kirrily winked at me and tapped my nose twice as she walked past me.

I looked around to see that they were all waiting for me. "Oh." I said before sitting down.

They all looked at each other before diverting their attention to me.

"After long, hard deliberation, we've drawn to a conclusion." Louis started.

"Proceed." I said, tapping my fingers on the leather lounge. Who's more expensive now, Tomlinson?

"The card you have chosen," Louis paused for and dramatic effect.

I looked around and saw the expressions everyone was wearing. And in that moment I knew for certain, I had picked the wrong card.

"Congratulations! The card you have chosen is correct!" Louis laughed, most likely at the color of my cheeks.

"You thought you got it wrong didn't you?" Zayn smirked.

"You! Quiet!" Louis yelled at the powerless subordinate.

"Say that a little louder. I think someone in Australia missed it." I heard Liam mumble under his breath.

"So, you've gotten it right. How do you feel?" Niall asked me.

How did I feel? What kind of question is that?

"Look, just because I picked the card that Harry actually wrote out of 5 other cards doesn't mean I feel any different."

"You still like Harry don't you?" Kirrily smirked.

Suddenly the door swung open.

"Oh hello lads, gals, Kendra," Harry walked in, in all his glory. Quickly, I fixed my hair and checked my breath.

"Does Kendra not fit in either the 'lads' or the 'gals' category?" Zayn mocked.

I could hear Liam chuckling. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. Niall laughed along and Louis face palmed.

"What are you doing here?! GET OUT NOW!!" Kirrily screamed running to Harry and trying to push him out the door, but Harry being 6ft and very strong, he easily pushed Kirrily out of the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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